Monday, October 8, 2018

Blogoween Day 6: An Evening of Mystery & Murder

Blogoween is hosted by Clo @ Book Dragons | Banner made by me, a.k.a Ruby, using Canva

Hello my dear book lovers! Sorry I missed writing the last two days, I've been a busy bee. I'll make up for it today and tomorrow, though, I promise. Let's go on with Day 6, shall we?

Okay, so I decided to include adult books only, just because I don't feel comfortable playing who's dead and who's the killer with a bunch of teenage characters. So keep in mind that the books I mentioned are intended for a mature audience. As for the TV shows, they're adult characters, but I'm guessing everyone saw them. Still, keep in mind that they do have mature content.

Who is invited

  1. Helena Bertinelli from the Arrow TV Show
  2. Harvester from the Demonica universe by Larissa Ione
  3. Karl Marsten from the Women of the Otherworld series by Kelley Armstrong
  4. Akasha from The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
  5. Mab from the Elemental Assassin series by Jennifer Estep
  6. Amarantha from the A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
  7. Crowley from the Supernatural TV Show
The Murder

Helena is enjoying her wine, having a girl-to-girl conversation with my girl, Harvester, when they hear Akasha drop her glass of "red wine" *wink* and scream her head off. When they go to investigate, Amarantha is on the floor of the kitchen, with a knife in her heart and another one in her eye. You have a psychotic killer, a fallen angel, a morally ambiguous werewolf with no real allegiance to anyone except himself, a vampire queen, a Fire Elemental who thinks of herself a queen, and the king of Hell. Who did it?


Let me know in the comments who do you think did it.