Sunday, December 2, 2018

2018 Bookending Winter Day 2: Dear Santa...

Welcome to day 2 of the Bookending Winter event!! Today Anthony's prompt is all about writing a letter to Santa. I think the last letter I wrote to Santa was when I was about 10, so 20 years ago *slow sigh* Yeah...With that being said, here's my attempt at a good letter to Santa.

I’ve been good this year and all I want for Christmas this year are books….

Dear Santa,

I know we haven't talked in a while, but look, life got in the way, people tried to convince me you weren't real, and I kind of forgot the childhood joy of writing to you. You know, apparently that's what "growing up" means.

In the years since my last letter I picked up a new hobby: reading. I know, shocking right? I know you're used to me asking for Barbie dolls, so this might confuse you a little bit, so let's get this out of the way: Yes, it's still me. Yes, I'm sure I want books. But hey, if you want to throw in a 1988 Happy Holidays Barbie still new and in her box, I will not refuse her! That being said, I do wish for one book. Well, actually a boxed set. I would love a The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings: Deluxe Pocket Boxed Set. It looks pretty, it's one of my favorite fantasy worlds ever, and I'll be the happiest person ever. I think I've been good this year, enough for me to get such a pretty gift. And okay, well behaved enough for both the Barbie doll and the books, but I'll be happy with just the books.

Merry Christmas Santa!

P.S.: I'll bake my grandma's sweet bread recipe, and I'll leave some for you and your reindeer in case they want something sweet. And you can probably take some home with you for Mrs Claus and the rest of the elves. I'm just that sweet *big smile*

1 comment:

  1. <3 this (I also would not mind a 1990s barbie doll (in mint condition) lol) OOOOOO I ABSOLUTELY LOVE LOTR and the Hobbit! Ugh such a fan I am. lol. I hope Santa comes through for you this year!
