Monday, December 17, 2018

Blogmas Day 11: Goodreads - Your Year In Books Meme 2018


Esther from Bite Into Books tagged me to do the Goodreads: Your Year in Books Meme 2018 tag and I'm very excited to do this! 

I know the year isn't over yet, and I'm still hopeful I'll catch up on my reading challenge, but we'll see. Apparently, I only have 25 books left to read, in almost 13 days. We'll see. Let's start!

Goodreads - Your Year In Books Meme 2018 

According to Goodreads, I read 29,371 pages across 125 books. That is super impressive to me. I swear I had no idea I could ever read these many pages in a year, but apparently I did, so yay! And again, guys, the year isn't over yet. Can I get to 30,000? We'll see. 

The shortest book I read this year was Truth and Consequences by Kelley Armstrong with only 7 pages, while the longest one was 1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Fourteen with 1,270 pages. The strange thing is that the bundle didn't feel that long. I also checked and in 9 years of being an active Goodreads user, my shortest book was last year, with 5 pages. so I haven't broken that record yet. I don't think I can break it, now that I think about it.

My most popular book was The Book Thief, with over 1 million readers. Unfortunately, as you probably know, I didn't enjoy this book as much as everyone else, and you can read my full review here in case you want to know all my thoughts and opinions on it. It also wasn't the most popular book on my shelf, that title is still held by Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

The least popular book I read this year was Secrets Of A Werebear by J.S. Sorrett, with only one other person reading it. This was a newsletter freebie, and while I wasn't in love with this short story, I am curious to check out other works by this author. This is a record for me though, because this is the least popular book I've ever read. And yes, I am proud of that :D

My average rating this year was, unsurprisingly, 4.3 stars. This is the lowest average rating for me, and I seem to hit this number every other year or so. I swear I'm not doing it on purpose, either! It just happens.

I can't pick my favorite books out of 125 that I've read so far, or at least not yet. Since the year isn't over and there's still some reading to be done, I am afraid of excluding any potential gems from the "competition", so to speak, so I'll probably do a year wrap-up on the 31st and I'll share all of my favorite books of the year then.

Thank you so much Esther for this tag! Don't forget to check out the original tag here and let me know if you decide to join in. Also let me know if you've managed to beat any of your previous records this year in terms of reading.


  1. I do hope to read The Bookthief one day. I wasn't that fan of the movie either, because I don't remember that much about it.

    I can't believe you've read 125 books!! How do you do that?! I didn't even reach my goal of 75...

  2. I think you can for sure reach 30 000 pages by the end of the year. :)

  3. I am hoping you will reach 30,000 soon! And we will have difference of opinion about the book thief.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  4. I'm with Esther, I would love to read The Booktheif some day. Yet every time I see it, I'm intimidated for some reason lol. I'll read it one day though.

    You could always read the Iron Fey letter thing next year to beat your 5 page thing. Lol the letter is only a page. XD Haha (I think it was the Iron Fey... I'm going to have to look in to this now.)

    Anywho, Such a awesome post and I hope next year is just as good ^_^ Merry Christmas! ^_^

  5. 125 books is awesome!! Congrats! Happy reading in 2019!
