Saturday, December 8, 2018

Blogmas Day 6: 2018 The End of the Year Book Tag

Welcome to Day 6 of Blogmas! I promised yesterday that I would make up for missing a day, so today I'm going to write Day 6, and tomorrow I'll have two posts for Blogmas.

I saw this tag over on Kal's blog and it sounded to much fun, that I decided to do it, even if no one tagged me :) .This tag was created by Ariel Bissett, so go check out her original video. Let's start

2018 The End of the Year Book Tag

  • Are there any books you started this year that you need to finish? 

This question makes me feel super guilty, because I am so bad at finishing certain books. It's not that they're bad, I'm just in a weird reading mood right now. The 4 books I hope to finish before the year is over are:
  • Do you have an autumnal book to transition into the end of the year? 
Not really. One of the perks of being a mood reader is that I don't need to read a particular book to transition from one season to the other. I just need to be in the mood to read a particular book or genre.
  • Is there a new release you're still waiting for? 
I'm very excited for the sequel of The Hazel Wood. There's no blurb yet, no title, no cover, but I'm still very, very excited.

  • What are three books you want to read before the end of the year? 
The books from Smutathon and Christmas Readathon. That's 19 books. *fingers crossed* Three books from those TBRs are:

Wish me luck!

  • Is there a book you think could still shock you and become your favorite book of the year?
I think any book can shock me. I start reading a book with the expectation to be shocked, otherwise I wouldn't pick it up.

  • Have you already started making reading plans for 2019?
Yes I have. I want to attempt to read 200 books next year. And yes, I know I probably won't hit this year's goal, but that's because I allowed my reading slump to win this year. This won't happen again.


I'm going to tag all of you. Since I myself wasn't tagged to do this, I want to include anyone who wants to do this tag to do it.

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