Saturday, December 1, 2018

Bookending Winter Day 1: Christmas Characters Tag

It's the 1st of December guys, which means Sam and Clo have come together to make another fantastic event, this time called Bookending Winter. Just as Blogoween, there are daily prompts and weekly hosts, and I'm going to have sooo much fun.
The first host is Anthony from Keep Reading Forward and the first prompt is called Christmas Characters Tag

  • Answer all prompts.
  • Answer honestly.
  • Tag 1-12 people.
  • Link back to this post. 
  • Remember to credit the creator. (Anthony @ Keep Reading Forward)
  • Have fun!

Santa Clause
A Gift You Received or Want This Year

Honestly I just want books. I’m a pretty easy to please person when it comes to gifts. I don't have anything specific in mind, except maybe the matching Beautiful Creatures book cover, because I have the movie tie-in and it doesn't match my set!

Mrs. Clause
A Favorite Holiday Treat to Have Every Year

My grandma’s sweet bread with chocolate and nuts. I’ve been using her recipe to make it for years now, but it never turns out just like hers.

Ghost of Christmas Past
A Holiday Memory from Your Past

I am very fond of my baby cousin’s first Christmas, I was 13 at the time and I remember looking with wonder at this tiny human that was in my life. Such easy times, y'all.

Buddy the Elf
“The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear.”
A Holiday Song You like to Sing Each Holiday Season

I have an entire Spotify playlist dedicated to Christmas songs, but the one that never fails to bring the Christmas cheer for me is Dean Martin’s A Marshmallow World.

Misfit Toys
An Unpopular Toy You Really Wanted to Get One Year

I never really had a fondness for weird toys, I was more of a Barbie fan. I always wished for Santa to bring me a Christmas Barbie, because they were special and unique and gorgeous.

A Moment When Your Heart Grew Three Sizes

The first time my cousin realized that the weirdly dressed man in front of her was “Santa”. I think she was about 3 the first time my dad played Santa for her and it was such a wonderful thing to experience.

Jack Frost
A Tradition You Like to Do Every Winter

Decorate the house and cook. Christmas is all about decorations and food, people. The house smells amazing, and even though I’m dead tired by the time everything is finished, it’s worth all of that hard work.

Hero Boy
A Moment You Believed in a Holiday Wish/Miracle

Would it sound cheesy for me to say to say every day? I never really had a holiday miracle, not really, at least not yet.

Cindy Lou Who
A Favorite Holiday Tradition

Back when I lived in Romania we used to gather at my grandma’s house for gift exchanging and to eat. I miss those days.

Frosty the Snowman
A Memory Involving Snow or A Memory You Would Like to Have Involving Snow

Okay this is by far the least Christmassy memory ever, but here we go. This happened back in 2008 or 2009 I think. I was in college, during winter final exams and the city was under snow. It was just like you see in one of those Christmas movies, with snow everywhere, and the trees go from bare limbs to looking wonderful and magical. Basically snow decided to vomit all over Bucharest that year. I was obviously not studying, but instead I was watching Supernatural. Long story short because of the snow and the cold the lights went out in my neighborhood and it was such a magical thing to see the city at night with just the car lights and snow.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
A Holiday Activity You Like Doing

Decorating. If it weren’t for my parents, I’d keep the decorations up all year long.

Ebenezer Scrooge
“Bah, Humbug!”
A Favorite Holiday Saying or Quote

I don’t really have one.

Spread the Holiday Spirit!
Tag 1-12 People!

I tag:



  1. Ahh how adorable you tagged two with the same name ! ahahah but mines written different than hers 😅 -- I love reading everyone nice holiday memories and habits.. and then scrolling down to the tagging I was just like "oh thats me !! isn't it? *click link* it is !!"

    1. hehehe :D Yes, yes it is you :D Thank you for stopping by!

  2. "Decorating. If it weren’t for my parents, I’d keep the decorations up all year long." DO IT.
    (Personally, I take the most obvious Christmassy stuff down before the three kings come, but I leave up the twinkle lights all year long.)

    1. YES TO MORE TWINKLE LIGHTS! Those are really the ones I want to keep all year long, not just because they're so pretty, but they make for a more cozy atmosphere. It also makes for a wonderful setting for reading <3 Thank you for stopping by :D

  3. YAS RUBY!!!!! 10/10 LOVED THIS! Lol I too would keep the decorations up, but thats solely because I'm lazy. :P
