Monday, December 3, 2018

Bookending Winter Day 3: It’s a Winter Wonderland!

It's the third day of Bookending Winter and it's such a beautiful prompt! Anthony wants to know what our plans are for a snowy day. Here's his prompt:

Walking in a Winter Wonderland….

One day, you wake up when your alarm goes off. You get out of bed and stretch while yawning. Then, you go to your window to look outside because you heard there was going to be a snowstorm during the night before. When you see the snow has completely covered everything, you realize the day has become a Winter Wonderland. You check with school/work and find that the day has been cancelled and you get to stay home! While in celebration, your mind is already going through plans for the day.

Now that the white scenery is in your mind, what were your plans? What are you going to do? Stay inside, or embrace the snow? Tell us what a day in your Winter Wonderland looks like!

I miss snow. I'm used to Romanian winters, where the snow is everywhere and it seems like it will never melt and go away, even in the early days of spring. But I do know what I'd do in case I wake up one day and a lot of snow falls over my little Italian town.

First of all, I'd play with my dog in the snow. When it snowed at the beginning of this year he was ecstatic. He was trying to hunt and eat all the snowflakes, he was running around in the yard, he was playing and throwing himself in the snow. Basically he was a goofball. And he was super funny when he realized he can't actually bite the snow like he would his chew toys. I had fun seeing him like that and I do wish for another snowy day just for that. But with tons of snow, not just the random snowflakes we had.

Then I'd get back inside the house, where it's nice and warm, and make myself a big cup of hot chocolate with some whipped cream on top, diet be damned. Snow means hot chocolate, so I won't feel any guilt for breaking my diet. Next I'll put on some Christmas music, burn some pine tree incense, grab a warm blanket and create the perfect reading corner on the sofa and read a winter themed book. Maybe I'll even watch a Christmas movie.

Afterwards I'll definitely nap, because all that excitement with snow and hot chocolate will tire both me and the dog, and the pupster loves dragging me in the living-room and he naps there and him napping inspires my napping. And yes, I totally just blamed my dog!

After my nap I'll probably eat something tasty, maybe some pasta with whatever sauce I can think up on the spot. And then I'll take the pupster out for a last play in the snow and then go to bed, with my fluffy pillows, warm blankets and my current read.


 See, I have the entire thing planned out, all that's missing is the actual snow. So please send some snow my way. What would you do on a day like this?


  1. Aww this is a gorgeous post! Really enjoyed reading it.

