Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Bookending Winter Day 4: Holiday Season TBR

It's the 4th day of Bookending Winter, which means we have Imogen from Imogen's Typewriter as a host for the next 4 days. I'm very excited for her prompts, guys! Today she wants us to share our holiday TBR and let me tell you, I have a lot to make up for.

Holiday Season TBR

So according to Goodreads I have 35 books before I reach my yearly goal. I know this is not going to happen this year, so I'm not even going to break a sweat over it, but I'm hoping to at least read half of that. so maybe 17 books? I did had a month in which I read 11 books, so that's not much of a stretch. Hopefully. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to read more holiday themed books this month, so here are some of the books I have on my TBR:

Out of all of these books I'm only familiar with Darcie Boleyn. I quite enjoyed the other Christmas story I read from her, and I'm excited to read this one. The best part is that these books also help me with my COYER challenge, so yay! Aside from these 5 books I also have the Christmas Readathon TBR and the Smutathon Readathon TBR, neither of which I've fully decided on. So I need to make the lists and decide what I'm going to read. For anyone wondering, Christmas Readathon has 12 books and Smutathon 7. So in theory I should be able to reach my GR goal, but we'll see.


What about you guys, what are some of the books you're planning on reading this month?


  1. Those seems perfect Christmas readings. I hope you reach your goal of reading 17 books this month. Good luck! :)

    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  2. I really do need to read more winter/christmas-y books, I honestly don't have any on my TBR and had to scower goodreads for the christmas readathon challenges. lol.
