Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Meant to Read In 2018 But Didn’t Get To

Top Ten Tuesday
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Today's Top Ten Tuesday is about the books we wanted to read in 2018 but didn't get to. This is not such a strange thing to me. I'm notorious for making lists of monthly TBRs and not following through. That's not to say I completely disregard the list, I actually did quite well during 2018's ARC August, by reading 3 books off of my initial list. 3 books might not sound like a big deal to you guys, but it was to me. I usually have a hard time reading books off a list because, as a mood reader, by the time I start crossing books off of that list, I'm no longer in the mood for them.

But let's not drag this further shall we? Let's start!

Top Ten Books I Meant to Read In 2018 But Didn’t Get To

  1. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon: I had every intention of reading this book during last year's Tome Topple readathon hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes but after reading The Book Thief and not really enjoying it (read my thoughts here) I really wasn't in the mood for another disappointment.
  2. Dangerous Creatures by Kamy Garcia & Margaret Stohl: I actually did start reading this book, but I realized I remembered very few details from the previous books, which I read back in 2014, so I decided to put it down in favor of a series reread and binge-read.
  3. Frostbitten by Kelley Armstrong: The same as before, I remember very few details from the series as a whole, and I need a refresher. On top of that when I was considering rereading the series I was just coming off of my Demonica series reread, and I felt like I wouldn't do either series a favor by reading them back to back, but this year is the year of the Otherworld.
  4. Roverandom by J.R.R. Tolkien: I honestly have no idea how many times I've picked this book up over the years. More than 10, anyway. I've had this book on my shelf since before starting my blog. I have no idea why such a short book does me in, but I never manage to stay engaged long enough to actually finish it. I love Tolkien, so I honestly can't explain this one.
  5. My Not So Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella: This is the strangest thing, but I wasn't really that much into very humorous reads last year. I did have a few books that made me laugh hysterically almost while reading, but I didn't actively seek them out. This year I feel in a much funnier mood though.
  6. Enslave Me Sweetly by Gena Showalter: Same as with the Otherworld series. This year I'm reading it for Romanceopoly though.
  7. A Conspiracy Of Us by Maggie Hall: This book just slipped from my grasp. Time just flew by and the year was over, but I had every intention of reading this book, along with the sequels.
  8. Steal the Light by Lexi Blake: This is actually one of my "I can't believe I didn't read this by now" book. Last year was just full of contemporary Lexi Blake goodness, that I somewhat forgot I loved her paranormal stuff too, which is totally a me thing. Thankfully I was reminded of that fact later in the year, so I'm now ready for this book
  9. The Final Score by Jaci Burton: Although I logically know this isn't the last book of the series (there's another book after this one), it kind of feels that way. The series started with Mick, Nathan's dad, so reading Nathan's book makes me a little bit sad and scared. And we all know I avoid series enders because I'm just a giant scared potato in my heart of hearts.
  10. Chained by Night by Larissa Ione: I love Ione's books, so I binge-read the Demonica series last year. But while I had an amazing time, I needed a little break between that series and the MoonBoundClan Vampire series. I'll get to it this year, because I'm reading it for Romanceopoly

That's it from me. Some of these books I just couldn't get myself to read, others I needed to put off, for others instead I needed a refresher of the series they were a part of. Hopefully I'll get to it this year.


Let's discuss. What are some of the books you wanted to read in 2018 but didn't get to?