Saturday, February 9, 2019

#ContemporaryAThon TBR

Hi everyone! I was thinking lately how I kind of fell behind on reading, and I was watching some videos from my favorite booktubers, when I stumbled upon Chelsea's ContemporaryAThon video and I thought this was such a cool readathon that I had to sign up for it.

The rules are pretty simple: you have to read as many contemporaries as possible for one week, starting Monday 11th and ends Sunday 17th, that fit into 7 challenges. For more information on each challenge, as well as general rules, check out Chelsea's video that is linked above. I like the fact that if we can, we can fit a book for more than one challenge, and that really saves me from having to struggle to find the perfect books for each individual challenge. I'm excited to read for this readathon because honestly I've felt a little... I feel like my reading slump is here to stay and I can't have that honestly.

Because we know that I have a slight sale and freebie addiction, most of these books are books I got on sale, they're also mostly ebooks. I'm also pretty sure a lot of them are going to be straight up romance novels that could also fit a potential Smutathon challenge, but I'm not 100% sure of that. Here are the books I've chosen to read:

Last contemporary you acquired – So there's quite a few books that fit into this category, because like I said earlier I can't resist freebies, but the one that calls to me right now is My Sister's Murderer by Liv Bennett. I'm in the mood for some darker books at the moment, and this one caught my eye. I'm sure there will be more freebies that will land in my Kindle before Monday comes, but this is the one I'm going to read just for this challenge.

A book with the color purple or blue on the cover – For this challenge I'm planning on reading two books. The first one is Somewhere Between Water & Sky by Elora Nicole Ramirez, which is actually the sequel to Every Shattered Thing that I'm going to read for the dark contemporary challenge, but more on that in a minute. The second book that I picked for this challenge is more of a backup in case I don't have the emotional strength to read this sequel, and it's Falling For The Bad Boy by Kennedy Fox. Hopefully I'll read both books.

A dark/emotional/hard-hitting contemporary – For this challenge I'm planning on reading Every Shattered Thing by Elora Nicole Ramirez. Based on the reviews this is pretty dark and soul crushing, and like I said I'm in the mood for some dark books. If all goes well I'll also read the sequel, Somewhere Between Water & Sky, that I mentioned for the previous challenge.

Meant to read in 2018 – For this one I'm going to read The Date Dare by Tara Sue Me.

A different format & A diverse contemporary – I first heard of Heartstopper by Alice Oseman on Michelle's blog and I'm very curious about it, so I'm going to try to read it during this readathon, and I'm reading it for both challenges.

A picture on the spine – For this last challenge I'm going to read The Wedding Girl by Madeleine Wickham a.k.a Sophie Kinsella. The Romanian edition of this book has a mini version of the cover art on the spine, and it's the one I'm going to read actually. Also, I'm really curious about Sophie Kinsella's works under her other name.


That's 7 books I'm planning on reading next week. On top of those I'll probably have the book from the Read Me Romance podcast, as well as whatever ARC I need to finish by Saturday, but I think it's doable. I'm excited, and that's half the struggle to get over my slump done. The rest is actually picking up the books and commit. 

What about you guys? Are you signing up for this readathon?