Sunday, May 12, 2019

Sunday Post #7: Coming Back & Life Changes

Sunday Post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. 

Hi everyone! Happy Sunday!

I'm finally back to blogging, people! I know I've been a little bit irregular with my posting lately, but that is because of two big reasons: 1) a good old blogging slump, on top of my massive 2019 reading slump (thank you for being in sync, you two *frown*), and 2) a new job. Exciting stuff, right?

I really like my new job, it's in social media, and I truly love discovering everything that I can do in this field. It's also been a revelation of sorts, because I realized that since finding a job the old fashioned way is probably not going to happen any time soon (damn you, job market!), I need to step up my game and try to find creative ways to use what I know and what I'm passionate about to build a career. So I've been focused on that lately, which to be fair is taking up a lot of my energy. I also have a...let's say character flaw. When I start a new project, I give it all of my focus and energy, thinking that the more I struggle and the more time and energy I invest in it, the better it will turn out to be, which not only is not always true, but it's also very tiring. So I'm trying to take a step back and not spread myself so thin, as Bilbo Baggins would say.

So that's my biggest life change, so to speak, that I've decided to put on my big girl panties and try the freelancing career route. I also have a bunch of exciting projects coming up, some of them on the blog, some of them related but not quite. I'll make an announcement when the time is right, don't worry.

That's it from me, tell me about you, how have you guys been?


Next Week On The Blog

Next week will be packed with my usual Down the TBR hole, reviews and even a discussion post. I'm very excited for this week. 

What I Read

As previously mentioned, I read very little these past months due to my reading slump. I did manage to catch up on the Read Me Romance podcast, so yay for audiobooks. I am currently buddy reading Never-Contented Things by Sarah Porter with Camilla from The Reader In The Attic. I am also very excited because the Sync summer audiobook program is happening right now, and the books available this year are amazing! 

What I Listened To

So my country music mood kicked in really early this year, which is weird considering that the weather hasn't been the best ever. And yes, I can see you rolling your eyes, but I have a strange thing where my musical moods are inspired by the weather and by the seasons. I can't explain it, so I won't even try to.

I've also been getting more and more into podcasts. Right now I'm listening to Read Me Romance, My Favorite Murder, Directionally Challenged, Welcome To Night Vale, Deadly Manners, The TryPod, and Hollywood & Crime. I've also recently discovered the Classy Career Girl podcast and I'm trying it out now, and so far it's full of interesting tips for women entrepreneurs and working women in general.

I feel like I need to make a "Why I love Podcasts" type of post soon, so I can properly explain where my love of podcasts comes from. I swear to you, my data plan is almost depleted this month because I've been listening to podcasts nonstop during my commute.


That's it for me. How was your week? Did you get any good books this week? Did you read any good blog posts? Share in the comments!