Monday, June 3, 2019

Down The TBR Hole #14

Down The TBH Hole @ Ruby's Books

Hello dear book lovers and welcome to another post in the Down The TBR Hole feature hosted by the awesome Lia.

I decided on a goal with these weekly cleanup, guys. Since I know myself really well, I know I won't be able to control my tendencies to add more books on the TBR, mostly because I keep discovering new authors to love, so I have decided that I will be happy with getting my TBR a little under 2500 books. I think that is doable, don't you? Let's get started!

Oh by the way, we're starting at 2836 books, because yes I did add 4 books on my TBR since last time nervous laughter

  • Destiny's Fire by Trisha Wolfe - I'll be honest, I was tempted to remove this book from my TBR when I saw the shelf of Steampunk, but then I saw something about Egyptian Pharaohs and I knew I couldn't possibly ignore that, so I'm not only keeping it but also bumping it up on my TBR. I am a sucked for all things Ancient Egypt. Verdict: It stays
  • Blood Will Tell by Samantha Young - This book is giving me serious Beautiful Creatures vibes, and we know I love that series, so I'm tempted to keep this book just because of that. I also don't think I've ever read a book about soul eaters, so I'm intrigued. Verdict: It stays
  • Alice In Zombieland by Gena Showalter - It's Gena Showalter, so there's no explanation needed beyond that. Verdict: It stays
  • The Mating by Nicky Charles - I am on the fence about this book. I do think I'll be reading this book one day. Verdict: Moved to the maybe shelf
  • Sew Deadly by Elizabeth Lynn Casey - I'm slowly falling in love with cozy mysteries, and I'm curious about this one. Also, any book with crafting will grab my attention, so there's also that. Verdict: It stays

  • Tears on a Tranquil Lake by Marsha A. Moore - I am a sucker for anything related to mermaids, so it's no wonder this book ended up on my TBR. I'm also intrigued by the idea of a human girl turning into a mermaid, so I'm definitely going to give this book a chance. Verdict: It stays
  • Vestal Virgin by Suzanne Tyrpak - I remember when I added this book, and I think I saw a review on one of the book blogs I follow, but at this point I'm not really sure I still want to read it. Maybe some day, we'll see. Verdict: It goes
  • Song of the Fairy Queen by Valerie Douglas - I don't have any memory of this book, but going through the blurb I can see why I wanted to read this book. Currently I'm not in the mood for fae books, but I am curious about this book, so I'm planning on keeping it and we'll see where we go from there. Verdict: Moved to the maybe shelf
  • Skylark by Meagan Spooner - This is another case of "should have read it then" book. While the blurb sounds amazing, I'm not sure it's the right story for me at this time. Verdict: It goes
  • Dark Passage by M. L. Woolley - I was fortunate enough to receive a review copy from the author many moons ago, unfortunately this book fell through the cracks of my moods and my reading slumps. I'm in the mood to read about some angels though lately. I've read very few books on angels actually, so I'm definitely curious about this book. Verdict: It stays

  • Jaguar Sun by Martha Bourke - I do remember this book! I was on a were-creature kick when I stumbled upon this book, and it was also right before December 2012, when we all thought we'd perish in what was supposed to be the Apocalypse. Alas, that didn't happen (or didn't it??), we're still here, and this book is still untouched. I do think I'll read this book but I'm not sure exactly when. Verdict: Moved to the maybe shelf
  • The Book of Lost Fragrances by M. J. Rose - I have no idea how I forgot to read this book. I snagged a copy from Netgalley, but again this is one of the books that just slipped through the cracks. I do want to read this book before the year is over though. Verdict: It stays
  • Amaranth by Rachael Wade - I was very close to saying no to this book, but then I saw Southern Louisiana in the blurb and I am here for that. Verdict: It stays
  • Seeking A Scribe by Marsha A. Moore - I am not sure this is the right book for me at the moment. I'll keep it in mind and maybe decide later if I still want to read this book. Verdict: Moved to the maybe shelf
  • A Week At The Beach by Virginia Jewel - I don't remember adding this book, but the blurb has made me curious. I want to know what each people did to have to be sent off to a different town. I'm also ready for some beach reads, especially since summer has officially started. Verdict: It stays
I feel like today was a rather productive day. Out of the 15 books I looked at today, I removed 2 and moved 4 to the maybe shelf, which brings my TBR total down to 2830. Not bad, if I do say so myself. Now let's hope I won't find any books worthy of adding on my TBR.

Are there any books here that you have read? What did you think of them?