Thursday, July 4, 2019

Blog Tour Book Review: Say No To The Duke by Eloisa James

Author: Eloisa James
Series: The Wildes of Lindow Castle #4
Audience:  +18
Genre: Historical Romance
Publisher: Avon
Release Date: June 25th 2019
My Rating: 4.5 Cups
Source: Harper Collins
Blurb (from Goodreads):
One little wager will determine their fate—a daring escape or falling into temptation with a rakish lord.

Lady Betsy Wilde’s first season was triumphant by any measure, and a duke has proposed—but before marriage, she longs for one last adventure.

No gentleman would agree to her scandalous plan—but Lord Jeremy Roden is no gentleman. He offers a wager. If she wins a billiards game, he’ll provide the breeches.

If he wins…she is his, for one wild night.

But what happens when Jeremy realizes that one night will never be enough? In the most important battle of his life, he’ll have to convince Betsy to say no to the duke.
*Disclaimer: I received an eARC of this book from Harper Collins in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my rating or the content of my review in any way.

**Disclaimer: This book contains mature content. As a result, my review may contain references to content intended for mature audiences only.

Guys, what an introduction to the world of Eloisa James. I have been meaning to read her stories for years now, but I never knew where to start. I am very, very happy that I started with Betsy and Jeremy's story!

The book starts off with a young Lady Betsy being sent off to boarding school, and while she has a lot of hopes to find potential girl friends, she is faced with the cruel reality of gossip, namely about her and her mother. The idea that she will take after her mother motivated her to put on a mask every time she has to be in society and that resonated with me so much. The fear of being judged by her mother's actions was so present in her mind, that she was willing to condemn herself to a life married to someone she didn't desire nor love. I felt for her, really, and I was so happy for her when Jeremy decided to woo her. I admired Betsy's courage and will.

Jeremy was my kind of hero. A bit broody, a bit dark and rough around the edges, but at the same time gentle, funny, and quirky. He had an air about him that made him impossible to resist. He suffers from PTSD after fighting in the war in the American colonies. Because of this and because he is the only survivor from his platoon, he really doesn't believe he is worthy of having a wife, that is until he accepts that he is in love with Betsy. I loved the fact that he encouraged Betsy to be herself around him. He didn't want the perfect lady, he wanted her, the girl that wanted to wear breeches and play billiards.

The chemistry between these two was off the charts, and they were both outrageous in their flirting at times. I saw a photo of the stepback of this book and let me tell you, it is very appropriate for Betsy and Jeremy.

The pacing was really good and I read this book pretty fast. There were moments where my heart was broken, for both Betsy and Jeremy, and moments where I laughed like a crazy person. So basically I got everything I could have hoped for.

All in all, a great introduction into the world of this author, and a really good story. Now I need to find a time stopper to into all of this author's backlist.


They moved toward each other as if they were following the steps of a very slow, very grand country dance. One that was danced by kings and queens and countryfolk alike.
When they were  beside  each  other, she  squared her shoulders and met his eyes. “I decided to come to you. I hope that is all right.”
“I do believe that you are the bravest woman I’ve ever met,” he replied.
He couldn’t have said anything better; Betsy felt herself begin to glow. “I haven’t been brave to this point, but I have made up my mind to change. I outlawed being nervous, but now I need to outlaw being afraid.” She hesitated. “I have chosen courage, and now I choose happiness.”
“I love you as you are,” he whispered, and then his mouth came down on hers.
Her breath caught in her throat because their tongues met as if they kissed every day, every night. He tasted right, which sent a shiver through her whole  body,  and  pushed  her  against him gently, the way a pebble might roll up a beach when the tide comes in.
One doesn’t fight the tide.

Author Bio:

 Eloisa James is a USA Today and New York Times bestselling author and professor of English literature, who lives with her family in New York, but can sometimes be found in Paris or Italy. She is the mother of two and, in a particularly delicious irony for a romance writer, is married to a genuine Italian knight. Visit her at