Monday, August 12, 2019

Blog Tour Book Review: Lost In You by Lexi Blake

"A hot, sexy mix of angst, longing, suspense and drama you don’t want to miss!" -- Carly Phillips, New York Times Bestselling Author

Lost in You, an all-new sexy and action packed installment in the Masters and Mercenaries: The Forgotten Series from New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake, is available now!

Author: Lexi Blake
Series: Masters & Mercenaries: The Forgotten #3, Masters and Mercenaries #19
Audience: +18
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense
Publisher: DLZ Entertainment, LLC
Release Date: August 6th 2019 
My Rating: 5 Cups
Source: Social Butterfly PR
Blurb (from Goodreads):
Robert McClellan was forced to serve as a soldier in a war he didn’t understand. Liberated by McKay-Taggart, he struggles every day to reclaim the life he lost and do right by the men he calls his brothers, The Lost Boys. Only one thing is more important – Ariel Adisa. The gorgeous psychologist has plagued his dreams since the day they met. Even as their mission pushes him to his limits, he can’t stop thinking about taking his shot at finding a life beyond all this with her.

Ariel Adisa is a force to be reckoned with. Her performance in Toronto proved she’s more than just a brilliant mind, but Robert still acts as if she is a wilting flower who needs his protection. Joining him on the mission to Munich should be the perfect opportunity to test their skills and cement their relationship. She and Robert are an excellent match. But when a stunning secret from Robert’s past is revealed, their world is turned upside down and nothing will ever be the same again.

While they chase dark secrets across Europe, Robert and Ariel realize that the only thing worse than not knowing who you are could be discovering who you used to be...
*Disclaimer: I received an eARC of his book from Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my rating or the content of my review in any way.

**Disclaimer: This book contains mature content. As a result, my review may contain references to content intended for mature audiences only.

I finished reading this book last night and my heart is still beating fast when I think about this story. Holy crap, people!!! I've been reading Lexi Blake for so long now that I'm pretty used by now to having her play with my emotions, but this book just took everything I knew about the Masters and Mercenaries world and my heart and stomped all over it.

Ever since the events in first book of this spin off we've gotten hints at Ariel and Robert's relationship and I was ready to read about it. I was ready to see them finally get together, so I was very happy that we didn't have to wait too long for it.

Ariel is a badass psychologist but what I didn't expect is that she was also a secret agent in the MI6. She's actually a former assassin for them, which is something that took me completely by surprise. Yes, even after what happened in the last book. I really loved Ariel. She's very determined, she's very calm under pressure, and she is really good at her job. Both of her jobs actually. She's very intuitive, which is probably why Solo is her best friend, and why she trusts the other agent so much. I loved how she dealt with the big surprise the team learns about Robert. In her shoes I would have done the same thing, although I do understand what Robert was saying when he told her she should have waited. I just loved Ariel honestly.

Robert was a mystery from the start. Since we really know nothing about these men, discovering their pasts is a really exciting but painful journey. The Taggarts couldn't find anything about them, so the reader has no idea how Dr. McDonald "recruited" them, except for Owen of course. Robert is starting to have some flashbacks, but not enough that he can understand who he is and why the mad scientist picked him. He remembers emotions more than actual moments from his past, and like the other men, it's really hard for him to not try to force a memory. Through the memories Robert has since he was "born" in that lab, we get to see how he and Ariel met and how their relationship grew over time. This mission in Germany brings Robert closer to the truth about his past and what he finds out truly broke my heart. Because once again it's shown that the mad scientist picked good men and turned them into killing machines. I loved how honest Robert was about his feelings regarding the secret he discovers in this book. I can't wait to see what the next book will reveal about his past.

The chemistry between Ariel and Robert is off the charts, and there were a few scenes I did not expect to be that intense. I expected the level of hotness, but not the level of intensity to be honest. As always, Lexi Blake knows how to write really good sex scenes that showcase the emotional connection between the partners.

As already hinted at in the other two books, there's a traitor on the team. A part of me knew who it was, but I kept hoping that I was wrong, that even though the clues were hinting that way, that it would turn out to be someone completely different. Sadly, it turned out to be exactly the person hinted at, and that was very sad, especially with how things ended on that front.

The plot is, as always with a Lexi Blake story, really well paced. I couldn't put down the book, especially once Solo made an appearance. I love her, and I hope her and Ezra's story will have a happy ending, because they truly deserve it.

The ending was.... WOW. Surprising to say the least. If you've read Lexi's books before, you know that she loves ending them with a hint to what's to come. We know who is getting his book next, which makes me very happy and also a little bit scared. As I said, I couldn't quite believe the way the book ended, and I cannot wait for February to be here sooner. Until then, I think I'll have to reread this entire series from the very start.

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He led Ariel out. Down the hall he saw Dante outside the media room, a beer in his hand. He’d been turned toward the kitchen at the opposite end of the hall, as though he’d been standing there staring at it. Had he been listening to the happy couples?
There was something dark in Dante that always gave him pause.
Dante turned without a word and disappeared behind the doors where he would likely drink himself to sleep. It seemed to be the way he and Sasha operated.
But he wasn’t thinking about that tonight. Tomorrow would be soon enough to sit everyone down and talk about the problems they were having. He would get Jax on the phone. He wasn’t leaving him out because he was in London.
“Are you all right?” Ariel had stopped beside him. “Is Dante giving you trouble?”
He was glad she’d been upstairs when they’d gone on their rant. “I think the pressure is starting to get to him. But we can talk about that tomorrow. I think after we get back to London we should have a big group meeting and get some things out in the open.”
“They think Damon and Ian are keeping things from them?”
No. He did not want to go there. He stopped in the middle of the hall and got into her personal space. She backed up against the wall and he loomed over her. It was time to move from reality to a place where they might be able to play out a few fantasies, if she was ready. “No work talk. If you want to go to sleep, I’ll kiss you now and see you in the morning. Tucker and I are in the room next to you. If you need anything I’ll be there. If you aren’t tired and you want to talk some more, we can go down to the bar and have another glass of wine with the full knowledge we don’t have to go any further than that. I’m more than willing to sit up talking to you all night long.”
She tilted her head up to him. “And if I want to go to bed but not to sleep?”
His heart rate ticked up, blood starting to thrum through his system as he invaded further, brushing his chest against hers. He reached for her wrists and gently brought them up and over her head, pinning her to the wall. “Then we need to make a few things clear.”
She took a deep breath, her lips curling up as though she liked the way he smelled. “Me sub, you Dom. Got it.”
He leaned over. “Hey, I’m trying to make sure I take care of you the way you like to be taken care of. I’ve watched you play. I don’t think your play partners realized how much you like being dominated. I think they view you as a woman who enjoys a spanking from time to time. They don’t get how much you need to know your partner is thinking about how to handle you. They don’t understand that you need to stop thinking. You need a place where you obey your partner.”
“In their defense, I had no interest in sex with any of them. I was looking for a spanking, some physical play that wouldn’t lead to real intimacy. You watched me?”
“I always watch you,” he admitted. “It’s why my brothers insist I’m your stalker. I watch you because I can’t not watch you when you’re in a room. If I thought for a second that it made you uncomfortable, I would make myself stop, but I think you like it.”
She watched him, too, and not in a way that made him think she was wary of him. It had always been there between them—the crackle and fire of sexual chemistry.
“You’re going to be a talky one, aren’t you?” she asked.
And she was going to be a brat.

About Lexi Blake

Blake_Lexi_2New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog in the world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance that she found success. She likes to find humor in the strangest places. Lexi believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome or foursome may seem.

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