Monday, September 16, 2019

Blog Tour Book Review: Back In Bliss by Lexi Blake

Back in Bliss, an all-new sexy romance in the Nights in Bliss, Colorado Series from New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake writing as Sophie Oak is available now!

 Back in Bliss by Lexi Blake
Author: Lexi Blake
Series: Nights in Bliss, Colorado #9
Audience: +18
Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense
Publisher: DLZ Entertainment, LLC
Release Date: September 10th 2019
My Rating: 5 Cups
Source: Social Butterfly PR
Blurb (from Goodreads):
Logan Green is back in Bliss, but only for a few weeks to help out at the sheriff’s office. Everything changes when Seth Stark strolls into town with Georgia Dawson on his arm.

Seth’s arrival is anything but a happy accident. He always dreamed of a big house on the river and a wife he could share with his best friend, Logan. After building a software empire, his only goal has been to make that dream come true. He just needed the perfect woman.

Georgia is still haunted by the dark, troubled man who saved her life. She can’t get Logan out of her head. Her boss brought her to Bliss to help him decorate his new summer home, but when Logan Green walks through the door she discovers Seth has something different in mind.

Seth has a plan for their mutual happily ever after, but he never dreamed that coming home would put all their lives in danger.

*Disclaimer: I received an eARC of his book from Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my rating or the content of my review in any way.

**Disclaimer: This book contains mature content. As a result, my review may contain references to content intended for mature audiences only.

Ever since I finished this book I haven't been able to stop smiling, while at the same time feeling a bit sad and on the verge of tears. I can't stop thinking about the dedications at the start of this book, which kinda makes me want to cry more than it makes me want to smile. I've come to love this town and the weird people living in it, and it's going to be very hard to say goodbye to them after the next book.

We finally get some questions answered, questions that I myself have had for years. Seth, Logan and Georgia had the perfect story, and if you've been following this series from the start, then you probably also know you're in for some heartache as well.

Logan went through a lot in this series. He was the kid afraid of his moms finding out about his crazy adventures with his best friend, Seth, then he became the town's deputy, and then he was tortured by the Russian mob. The latter broke him so much, that he went from being the happy, mischievous young man we were used to, to a dark, dangerous man, intent on self-destruction. I always wondered why he went to those extremes before he left Bliss, and that confusion was present in the beginning of this book as well. Why was he so intent on not letting anyone know what had happened to him, not even Leo, his therapist? I kept waiting for him to open up, at least to Seth, with whom he used to share everything. I was glad that I didn't have to keep wondering about Logan's traumatic experience. I was heartbroken to find out the extent of the trauma Logan had to deal with, and I understood him a lot better than I did before. I was happy to see him build a life for himself, even if he had a long way to go before he got there. I was actually proud of this young man that I witnessed grow up as the series went on.

Georgia was the perfect woman for Seth and Logan. She first appeared in the Texas Sirens series, and I wasn't so sure about her at first. Then as I read this book I realized her bratty, not-so-sharp rich girl façade was just that - a mask she put on to either protect herself or to get the men in her life to get along. She didn't have the best of childhoods, even though she was raised in money. It was actually an interesting aspect of her character, discovering how the real her was different from what everyone thought of her. I felt like even her brothers didn't know the real Georgia, and it kinda made me a bit sad for her if I'm honest.

Seth kind of reminded me of Sam Fleetwood in a way. He was the fun guy, the one with the crazy plans to get the two people he loved most together. He was that guy that would do anything for the people he loved, no questions asked. I loved how when he talked to Henry about his plan to get Logan and Georgia together, he explained what his original plan had been, and I kind of wished I could jump in the book and give him the biggest bear hug in the world. He was adorable in that scene with Henry by the way. All of his scenes with the older man were adorable actually, even the more serious ones. You can really tell that Seth just craves a true father figure in his life, and Henry has always been that for him. Just like Logan has always been his best friend. Seth's plotting made my heart happy to be honest. He knew he wanted to get Logan and Georgia together, to make Logan see how good all three of them will be together, so he's willing to do anything to make Logan see that. By the way, can you tell I loved Seth? Because I  totally did.

We finally get to learn who is searching for John Bishop, or Henry Flanders, and why. We also get to check in with all the other couples, see how they're doing. We see Max and Caleb get into a very hilarious situation, one that had me laughing like a madwoman. Actually there were a lot of times when I laughed out loud, as I already have been expecting from a Lexi Blake book. The pacing was great, the plot also.

All in all, I honestly loved this book, and I cannot wait to read the next one in the series. I'm not ready for the series to be over, but I know I can always go back to the beginning and reread this series.

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“Holy shit.” Logan practically beamed at the thing that looked like it could eat her. “Seth! Seth, get in here!”
He went to the door and yelled for Seth again.
Seth ran in, his eyes wide and his body covered only in a towel. A little towel. A tiny white towel that contrasted with his tan skin and had been wrapped over ridiculously muscled hips. He had those notches, the ones she’d always been sure some artist Photoshopped onto male models because no one could be that perfect. His dark hair was wet, curling above his shoulders. Moisture clung to his every muscle and, holy hell, he had a lot of them. They hid underneath his perfectly tailored suits.
Georgia forgot about the crazy-ass creature that had come straight out of some danger-in-the-wild documentary and watched the two gorgeous predators who had invaded her room.
She pulled the covers up to her neck, aware that she didn’t look anything like they did.
“Maurice.” Seth took a step forward. “Wow. How the hell long do moose live, man? It’s totally Maurice. You can see where Hiram tried to take him down. There’s a scar on his nose.”
Logan moved in, too, and she could see the easy way the two men related. For a moment she saw the kids they had been, friends forever. God, she’d never had a friend like that.
Logan opened the window and she heard a loud chuffing noise. “He kicked Hiram in the groin. It was a damn lucky thing the man already had three kids because I heard nothing worked the same after. Hey, boy. You remember me?”
Another huff and she was about to believe the thing knew how to communicate.
Seth looked over at her, his eyes glinting. “We don’t get a ton of moose around here. Maurice is a legend. The people of Bliss say that if he shows up at your place, you’re blessed. Meant to be here. He’s the welcoming committee.”
Logan laughed. “What no one will tell you is he’s a total snack whore. If you leave a Snickers bar on the porch, he will show up lickety-split. When Laura finally got comfy, I snuck some chocolate onto her porch so she would feel welcome.”
“I’m glad she stayed. I heard she got married,” Seth said.
Logan nodded. “Got a kid now. That’s why I’m here. Her husbands need some paternity leave. I heard it’s a girl.”
Their shared history was right there, a palpable thing between them. It was almost as though she could reach out and touch it, feel the warmth of it. Logan and Seth felt like a family.
What was she doing here?
Once again, like most of her life, she was the outsider. Even among her brothers, she’d felt it. Chase and Ben had each other. Mark and Dare had been tight. And she and Win had been so far apart in age that they couldn’t connect on a brother-sister level. She’d been alone. The only child whose mother wasn’t up to snuff. The only one without money when the tide had turned.
Logan looked down at her, his eyes softening. “Georgia, I’m sorry about last night. I didn’t mean a word of what I said. To either of you.”
She nodded, feeling awkward. They were here in her bedroom. It was a bit surreal. She turned her attention back to the moose.
“So it’s not something that’s going to attack?” She kept the blanket around her neck. Yeah, that was another way she was different. She wasn’t gorgeously perfect like them. She’d tried the whole diet thing, and she wasn’t cut out for it.
“Maurice is a sweetie, but I won’t lie. The first time I saw him, I peed my own damned pants and ran screaming for my mommas,” Logan said on a laugh. He reached a hand out, pressing it against the screen, his eyes misting like he was reaching for his past. “He won’t hurt you. He wants to say hello. And he probably smelled the bacon. Shit. My bacon.”
Logan turned and took off at a dead run for the kitchen.
Seth touched the screen, too. “Hey, Maurice. Thanks for the welcome.”
When he turned back to Georgia, he sported the sweetest smile. He jumped onto her bed, not a hint of self-consciousness on his face as he settled in beside her. “How did you sleep? My bed’s better, by the way. It’s huge. Built for three.”
“Good for you and whatever ménage you choose to invite. Could you go away so I can get dressed?” Last night seemed like a dream, and more than a little like a nightmare. God, what had she been thinking? Seth wanted her to tempt Logan into a ménage? He was insane. She was insane for not immediately walking out of the cabin and hoofing it to Malibu and the safety of Win’s minicastle where she could make like Rapunzel. She would barricade herself in and then keep her hair cut because she was done with men.
He smiled, an intimate thing that threatened to curl her toes. “I thought we settled that last night.”
She sighed and wished she was strong enough to not look at that towel, praying it would flop open and she would get a good view of what Seth had down under. Maybe it was small. Like tiny.
Did it matter? He was the sweetest man she’d ever met. He was kind and good. She wasn’t about to reject him because he had a small penis. It wasn’t like sex was all that awesome anyway.
Logan had a big penis. She’d felt it rubbing against her when he’d kissed her like there was no tomorrow. She thought about Logan’s penis a lot. More than a lot.
Nope. She wasn’t going to reject anyone based on penis size. She was going to reject them because she wasn’t about to get her heart broken again.

About Lexi Blake
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog in the world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance that she found success. She likes to find humor in the strangest places. Lexi believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome or foursome may seem.


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