Sunday, September 22, 2019

Blog Tour Book Review: Frost And Flame by Gena Showalter

Author: Gena Showalter
Series: Gods of War #2
Audience: +18
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: HQN Books
Release Date: September 17th 2019
My Rating: 4.5 Cups
Source: InkSlinger PR
Blurb (from Goodreads):
From Gena Showalter, the New York Times bestselling author of the Lords of the Underworld saga, comes Frost and Flame , the second book in the scorching paranormal romance series Gods of War.

Bane of Adwaeweth is the most feared immortal warrior in All War history. Possessed by a bloodthirsty beast, he will stop at nothing to win. Then he meets irresistible Nola Lee. He hates the power she wields over him, but she alone can rain vengeance upon his wife’s killer.

Unaware of her destiny to rule as queen of beasts, Nola battles illness, addiction and vulnerability. With Bane, however, she experiences pleasure for the first time, and only wants more. But being with him comes with a terrible price.

With enemies lurking around every corner, Bane and Nola must fight to survive. But time is running out, and neither can resist the sizzling attraction blazing between them. Will their romance save the beast and his beauty, or destroy everything they’ve come to love?

*Disclaimer: I received an eARC of his book from Wildfire Marketing Solutions in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my rating or the content of my review in any way.

**Disclaimer: This book contains mature content. As a result, my review may contain references to content intended for mature audiences only.

Ever since I read Shadow and Ice last year I've been waiting for this book. It's no secret that I love Gena Showalter, so it should be that big of a surprise to hear that I absolutely loved this book with all my heart. Because I did. I totally, totally did. Let me tell you all about it!

The events in this book happen following the same timeline as the events in Shadow and Ice. So we see what happened from Nola's perspective. Nola is Vale's foster sister, the one that is very sick and the one that caused Vale so much anguish in the first book. This time we see that Nola is much stronger than she appeared in the first book. In fact, there's a very good reason why Bane wants her and why Zion, another combatant, teams up with her and Bane. As I said, Nola has a strength that I didn't expect. She has to struggle not only with her illnesses, but also with something very strange happening inside her. She knows she's addicted to her medicine, so she believes Bane's voice inside her head is a figment of her imagination. She believes the strange thoughts coming from what she calls "Dark Nola" are a result of her meds. So when she finds out that everything is real she is stunned. She doesn't understand what it all means, but she's definitely going to do anything in her power to keep everyone she cares for safe.

Nola's story was surprising to me. She had a lot to deal with in this story. She discovers a lot of things about herself, things she didn't anticipate, including very surprising things about her family. I really enjoyed discovering why Nola could communicate with Bane, why she was so important to him, but also why some of the things that transpired happened. There were a lot of questions I had when I read the first book and I was very happy that I found my answers in this book.

Bane was a very intriguing man. He was so full of hate for a good part of this book, and it was interesting to see how that affected his relationship with Nola. He was dead set on hating her, so it was a very entertaining time seeing him fall slowly in love with her and seeing his defenses shatter. Also, he wins hotness points because he's got a dragon inside him.

At the same time, Zion, another combatant, tries to keep Nola safe, and to me he was the big unknown. Since I haven't reread the first book to prepare for this one, I'm not sure if we get to learn about Zion's past from the first book. Either way, I found him really intriguing and I really hope to see more of him.

I usually struggle with parallel story lines, mostly because I fear they will be too similar to one another. I was happy that except for very few scenes, that were also very important to drive the story, there weren't any unnecessary repeats of the details. This does however make me wonder about something. Will the next book have a parallel timeline or will we get to see future events? I'm not really sure what I want to see happen, to be very honest. I honestly want both, actually.

The story was fast paced and I went through the book in one sitting because I couldn't stop myself from reading. I really enjoyed reading this book, as I already mentioned. All in all, a fantastic addition to the series, and I cannot wait to see what will happen next.

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About Gena Showalter:

Gena Showalter is the New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of over fifty books, including the acclaimed Lords of the Underworld and Angels of the Dark series, and the White Rabbit Chronicles. She writes sizzling paranormal romance, heartwarming contemporary romance, and unputdownable young adult novels, and lives in Oklahoma City with her family and menagerie of dogs. Visit her at  

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