Friday, September 27, 2019

Blog Tour Book Review: Wrapped Up In You by Jill Shalvis

 Wrapped Up In You by Jill Shalvis
Author: Jill Shalvis
Series: Heartbreaker Bay #8
Audience: +18
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Publisher: Avon
Release Date: September 24th 2019
My Rating: 5 Cups
Source: Social Butterfly PR
Blurb (from Goodreads):
It’s love. Trust me.

After a lifetime on the move, Ivy Snow is an expert in all things temporary—schools, friends, and way too many Mr. Wrongs. Now that she owns a successful taco truck in San Francisco and an apartment to call home, Ivy’s reinvented life is on solid ground. And she’s guarded against anything that can rock it. Like the realities of a past she’s worked hard to cover up. And especially Kel O’Donnell. Too hot not to set off alarms, he screams temporary. If only his whispers weren’t so delightfully naughty and irresistible.

Kel, an Idaho sheriff and ranch owner, is on vacay, but Ivy’s a spicy reason to give his short-terms plans a second thought. Best of all, she’s a tonic for his untrusting heart, burned once and still in repair. But when Ivy’s past intrudes on a perfect romance, Kel fears that everything she’s told him has been a perfect lie. Now, if only Ivy’s willing to share, Kel will fight for a true love story.
*Disclaimer: I received an eARC of his book from Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my rating or the content of my review in any way.

**Disclaimer: This book contains mature content. As a result, my review may contain references to content intended for mature audiences only.

Another great story from Jill Shalvis. I am spoiled, people. I'm expecting greatness from this author, and this is what I get all the time from her. And just in time to get me in the mood for Christmas romances!

Ivy is ready to settle down. She bought a food truck, she's ready to buy a house, she's willing to make friends. What she isn't ready for? Men. She's not ready for men, so when Kel comes along, she isn't all that thrilled deep down, even though the boy is charming. I connected with Kel on a spiritual level. I didn't have her tragic childhood, but we did move around a lot when I was growing up, so her itchy feet and her wanderlust are something I identified with. I also understood her big moment that she describes at one point, where she woke up one day ready to settle down, to have roots, to stop moving around and starting over. It's rare that I see that duality shown so well in books, and I thought the author did a great job showing that struggle within her. Ivy also struggles with trusting people, and bit by bit we get to discover why. Her childhood was really crappy and I felt for her. I was happy to see her find her happiness with Kel.

Kel is a wounded man, literally and figuratively. His childhood wasn't any better, with his mom basically abandoning him and his sister after their father died. He grew up unable to forgive his mother, which broke my heart. In the events right before the story starts, he was betrayed and almost killed by a person he considered to be his friend. I liked Kel, very much so. He struggles with the idea of forgiving his mother, or even having a relationship with her, even if his sister was trying to help them talk at least. Speaking of his sister, I really liked Kel's scenes with his sister and her infant daughter. It was so sweet seeing him with his niece, my heart melted. He was also very sweet with Ivy. He tried to help her even when he didn't have to, and he went to great lengths for her.

The chemistry between Kel and Ivy was amazing, as with all of Jill Shalvis's couples. She knows how to write good chemistry between characters. As always with this author, the story is more than just about love. It's about friendship, forgiveness, and allowing oneself to heal.

All in all, I truly enjoyed this book, I loved getting little updates into the lives of the gang of friends living in San Francisco, and I can't wait to see what comes next in the series.