Thursday, March 19, 2020

Blog Tour Book Review: Reborn Yesterday by Tessa Bailey

Author: Tessa Bailey
Series: Phenomenal Fate #1
Audience:  +18
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: March 17th 2020
My Rating: 4.5 Cups
Source: Social Butterfly PR
Blurb (from Goodreads):
A timeless love story with bite.

It was a night like any other for funeral home director Ginny Lynn, until the exceptionally handsome—and unfortunately deceased—young man on her embalming table sat up, opened his emerald eyes and changed the course of her life forever, making her feel quite fluttery while he was at it.

Humans aren't supposed to know Jonas Cantrell, or any vampire, exists. It's kind of a major rule. Despite his instantaneous bond with perfectly peculiar Ginny, he has no choice but to erase her memories of their one and only meeting.

That was the plan. Before a reluctant Jonas can wipe Ginny's mind clean, she reveals a secret that brings their worlds crashing together. Human and vampire. Past and present. Darkness and light. And while their love is strictly forbidden, it might be the only thing that can save them…

Reborn Yesterday is a standalone paranormal romantic comedy with a happily ever after.

*Disclaimer: I received an eARC of his book from Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my rating or the content of my review in any way.

**Disclaimer: This book contains mature content. As a result, my review may contain references to content intended for mature audiences only.

I've been dying to read this book ever since I first heard that Tessa was writing it. I remember her mentioning it on the Read Me Romance podcast and I was super excited about it, so I had a ton of high expectations. I am very happy that not only did it meet every single one of them, but it also exceeded them.

Reborn Yesterday is a fantastic blend of vampire romance, fated mates, and a love that lasts more than a lifetime. It's basically my favorite tropes into one single story, and my soul is happy.

Ginny was such a relatable heroine. She was awkward, she avoided conflict, she was nerdy, and she was insanely cute. I identified with her habit to ramble when nervous, I basically felt seen with this book. I felt sorry for how the people around her treated her just because of her job. I loved that she didn't try to change anyone's mind about her though. Some might see Ginny as a pushover, but I saw her as someone aware of themselves enough to not engage with hateful people in the attempt to make them like her. I myself struggle with the "ignore and overcome" part of adulthood, so I found myself enjoying that part of Ginny a lot more than I expected. Ginny had a quiet strength about her that I did not expect. She was brave and she wasn't willing to be anything but an equal partner to Jonas, and I respected her for it. She didn't hide behind him, she wanted to stand by his side, even when Jonas wanted her to hide away safely and let him deal with the problem. I want more Ginny heroines to be honest.

Jonas was a good hero. He was exactly what you'd expect a vampire to be: silent, strong, dangerous, sexy. But he was also unexpectedly human. His backstory was heartbreaking when you think about it. He sees himself as a monster, and he tries to make his immortality have a meaning beyond being a dangerous predator. He wants to do anything in his power to not be the monster he believes to be, which isn't something I've read that often. He doesn't know how not to protect those weaker than him, so it's hard for him to compromise. But he also doesn't use his power against Ginny, except for that brief scene in the beginning of the book, when they didn't know each other, and his only goal was to protect her and keep her from figuring out what he is.

I loved their banter so, so much. Jonas teased Ginny in the beginning, and it was the cutest thing I've ever read in a while. I also loved Roksana, the vampire hunter, as well as Tucker and Elias. I am ready for more books in this world.

Can we take a moment to admire the cover? It is absolutely perfect, and it calls back to a specific detail in the story that had my heart pounding. I absolutely love it when covers are able to catch story details this much, and this one does too.

All in all, this was the perfect start to a new paranormal series, and I am certain the upcoming stories (call me hopeful) will be even more fantastic.


“Will there be a million weeping women at your wake?” She tapped a finger to her lips. “There will be, I’m sure of it. The place will overflow with tears. I better make sure our flood insurance is up to date.”
As she commenced circling the table once more, her white lab coat scratched against the hem of her green plaid dress, which fell sensibly to her knees. It was cold in the funeral home, especially downstairs where P. Lynn Funeral Home’s guests were kept in preparation for their final goodbye, so she’d pulled on thick black stockings with a flower pattern before coming below to work the night shift.
Dressing with care was Ginny’s way of showing respect to the people she worked on—a fact her stepmother and reluctant business partner often scoffed over—but a T-shirt and jeans simply didn’t cut the mustard when she’d been entrusted with a loved one’s care. Ginny had designed and sewn her current ensemble in class and she definitely shouldn’t be wondering what Dreamboat here would think about the cut and fabric. Or if he’d notice she’d fitted it a touch tighter in the hip zone than usually made her comfortable.
“I need help.” She gathered her auburn hair over one shoulder. “You agree, don’t you? Finally, you’ve gotten peace and quiet from your multitude of admirers and here I come, trying to annoy you into reanimation so I can find out the color of your eyes. You must want to die all over again.”
Continuing her journey around the table, Ginny’s gaze ticked to the clock, reminding her she should have started working half an hour ago. Why was she so reluctant to begin? Where did she get off experiencing the weight of loss when she’d never crossed paths with this individual before?
“Anyway, I know what you’re thinking. She’s brought up my legion of female fans three times now. She must be jealous.” Ginny stopped beside Dreamboat and looked down at his regal brow, the masculinity of his jaw, and a horrible welling started in her chest. “I think you’d be right,” she whispered in a red-cheeked rush. “I think if you’d smiled at me even once on the subway a decade ago, I’d be out avenging your death right now. Isn’t that crazy?”
Just to be sure a terrible (wonderful) mistake hadn’t been made, Ginny lifted her right hand, letting two fingers hover over Dreamboat’s pulse. Her heart rate spiked at the prospect of touching him, which didn’t bode well for tonight’s task of filling his veins with formaldehyde. How could she give him the proper care he deserved if she couldn’t stop shaking?
A bracing breath passed between her lips.
She touched her fingers down to his pulse.
There had been no mistake.
He was thoroughly, devastatingly dead.
“I’m so sorry,” Ginny managed, her tears welling at such a rapid pace that one escaped, glopping heavily onto the man’s stone cold torso.
His eyes shot open.

His…eyes shot open?

Download your copy today! 

Nook | Kobo

About Tessa Bailey

Tessa Bailey is originally from Carlsbad, California. The day after high school graduation, she packed her yearbook, ripped jeans and laptop, driving cross-country to New York City in under four days.

Her most valuable life experiences were learned thereafter while waitressing at K-Dees, a Manhattan pub owned by her uncle. Inside those four walls, she met her husband, best friend and discovered the magic of classic rock, managing to put herself through Kingsborough Community College and the English program at Pace University at the same time. Several stunted attempts to enter the workforce as a journalist followed, but romance writing continued to demand her attention.

She now lives in Long Island, New York with her husband of eleven years and seven-year-old daughter. Although she is severely sleep-deprived, she is incredibly happy to be living her dream of writing about people falling in love.

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