Sunday, April 26, 2020

Reread Book Review: Bloodlines by Richelle Mead

Author: Richelle Mead
Series: Bloodlines #1
Audience: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal
Publisher: Razorbill
Release Date:  August 23rd 2011
My Rating: 4 Cups
Source: My copy
Blurb (from Goodreads):
I wasn't free of my past, not yet.

Sydney's blood is special. That's because she's an alchemist - one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of humans and vampires. They protect vampire secrets - and human lives. But the last encounter Sydney had with vampires got her in deep trouble with the other alchemists. And now with her allegiences in question, her future is on the line.

When Sydney is torn from her bed in the middle of the night, at first she thinks she's still being punished for her complicated alliance with dhampir Rose Hathaway. But what unfolds is far worse. Jill Dragomir - the sister of Moroi Queen Lissa Dragomir - is in mortal danger, and the Moroi must send her into hiding. To avoid a civil war, Sydney is called upon to act as Jill's guardian and protector, posing as her roommate in the unlikeliest of places: a human boarding school in Palm Springs, California. The last thing Sydney wants is to be accused of sympathizing with vampires. And now she has to live with one.

The Moroi court believe Jill and Sydney will be safe at Amberwood Prep, but threats, distractions, and forbidden romance lurk both outside - and within - the school grounds. Now that they're in hiding, the drama is only just beginning.

My buddy read with Jamsu @ Jamsudreams continues with Bloodlines by Richelle Mead. I've been dying to get to this series ever since Sydney was introduced in Blood Promise. As fun as it was revisiting Rose and Dimitri, Sydney and Adrian's story is the one I've been meaning to read for the past few years. I've always been afraid of reading the last 2 books in this series, but having Jamsu as a reading partner helps me get over my "reading the last book in a series" fear.

This is also my 3rd time rereading Bloodlines. Let me tell you what I saw differently this time.

I forgot a lot of stuff about this book, and aside from the tattoo plot, I remembered nothing else. So it was so awesome being in this world again and meet the gang. It kind of felt like reading it the first time all over again, which rarely happens with rereads.

The first thing that hit me during this reread was how Sydney was so afraid of anything magical, probably more than she is scared of vampires. I remembered that, but for some reason this was the first time I truly saw her point of view in that aspect. I can't explain it, but for some reason it hit me while reading Bloodlines for the 3rd time how afraid she truly was in that scene at the minigolf.

I still hate Zoe, Sydney's sister. I still hate her dad. I hated Keith a lot more, and I know that at some point he'll come back after his imprisonment, and I can't make myself feel any kind of empathy for how he'll come back as.

I loved seeing Adrian through Sydney's eyes. He's still reckless, alcoholic, and a bit unhinged. As I told Jamsu when we were talking about the book, though, not having that "ok he's cute and I need him and his money" mentality attached made him seem normal and less desperate. Rose always saw the flirty yet slightly desperate side of Adrian, while Sydney sees him as just a guy that doesn't have his life together. I hated seeing the dark cloud that seemed to hang on to Adrian at all times, but, again, I enjoyed not having the prejudices that Rose had towards Adrian attached to his character. And I like seeing the relationship between him and Sydney grow and grow.

I forgot all about Jill and Eddie, but most importantly about Eddie having a crush on Jill. I truly did. I had a vague idea, but for some reason I was convinced that it was either something I made up in my head, or that it happens later in the series. Because of his crush, Eddie has a hard time at times reminding Jill of the rules, especially when he's confronted with someone who looks like his dead best friend, Mason. I forgot all about that part, and when I got to it I got sad again because of poor Mason.

I enjoyed reading this book, and even if it was the third time reading it, it still managed to shock me at times. I'm even more invested in the Sydney/Adrian relationship now, and I truly am trying not to skip to their scenes, like the fangirl shipper that I am. All in all, I had fun rereading this book, and I can't wait to read the next book in the series.

Don't forget to check out Jamsu's review of Bloodlines.