Friday, July 10, 2020

Book Review: The Faerie Prince by Rachel Morgan

Author: Rachel Morgan
Series: Creepy Hollow #2
Audience: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date:  May 1st 2013
My Rating: 4 Cups
Source: My copy
Blurb (from Goodreads):
Action, intrigue, and romance to swoon for!

With graduation just weeks away, guardian trainee Violet Fairdale is determined to claim the top spot in her class. But first, she'll have to survive her final assignment--and the guy she's been forced to partner with.

Her confusing feelings for Ryn aren't the only thing making life difficult, though. With enchanted storms wreaking havoc in the fae realm, a murder within the Guild, and an Unseelie prince still determined to possess Vi's special magic, graduation is about to become the least of her problems.
It's graduation time for Violet and Ryn, and things aren't exactly going as planned. That's right, guys, me and Jamsu are back with another buddy read, this time for book 2 in the Creepy Hollow series by Rachel Morgan. I enjoyed the second book a lot more and, unlike before, I was completely taken by surprise by certain events. Let me tell you all about it.

The Faerie Prince picks up about a month after the events from the previous book. Violet is trying to understand what happened with Nate, her ex, while also stressing about her final assignment. At the same time, Violet has made a deal with Ryn, a truce of some sorts, to try putting the past behind them and become friends.

What I loved about this book was that there were a ton of surprises that I did not anticipate. It all started with that final assignment. It looked too easy on paper, so I was fully prepared for things to go sideways, but I didn't anticipate how much it would land Violet and Ryn in trouble. I adored seeing Ryn sweat a bit because of Violet. To be honest, he has a lot of groveling to do before Violet (and the reader) forgives his past behavior.

Next we get to the Seelie Court and some stuff happens there that made me a bit angry. I don't understand the motivation of a character, even though they explained stuff. I'm weary of them, even though Violet seems to trust this person.

I liked seeing Violet grow closer to Ryn. She starts to slowly forgive him for being an asshat, and starts seeing his nice side. Ryn, on the other side, is trying to make amends. He is totally groveling, as he should, but he goes beyond that in order to make things right between them. There's this one scene that was adorable and I'd forgive him completely.

I liked the pacing of this book. It's not non-stop action, but almost. I loved the ending. It's all left under a giant question mark. Is everyone okay? Who died? Who attacked them? What happened? Everything is left to the imagination, and I can't wait to get my hands on the third book to see how Violet's part of this story ends.

All in all, I really enjoyed reading this book and I'll definitely keep reading the series.

Remember to visit Jamsu @ Jamsudreams to read her review of The Faerie Prince.