Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sunday Post #10: The Week In Which Nothing Happened

Sunday Post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. 

Hi everyone! Happy Sunday! Can you guys believe this is the last weekend of July? Because I cannot. Where did the month go?

This was a strange week. Nothing really happened, except towards the end of the week. On Friday I found out I'm going to have my driver's license exam in August (queue anxiety through the roof), and then this weekend we had workers in the house to fix a plumbing issue we've been having for a few months now, but that due to the quarantine we couldn't get fixed. In the grand scheme of things, this was a quiet week.

I'm excited for next week, because it's the start of ARC August. If you don't know what that is, it's a month-long readathon hosted by Octavia and Shelly from Read.Sleep.Repeat. The goal is to read as many ARCs as you possibly can during this month, and knock off some of them off your overdue ARCs pile. This year will be my 7th year participating and I'm excited. We don't know yet exactly how this year's readathon will be like, we're waiting for news from our lovely hosts. But I will try to do it old school, and that means a full month of only ARCs, or mostly overdue ARCs.

What I Read/Currently Reading

I read 2 books this week. I finally finished reading A Princess In Theory by Alyssa Cole and I also read Meant To Be by Alison Bliss.

I'm currently rereading Into The Darkest Night by Cassandra Giovanni because I want to read the second part of this duology before the month is over, Into The Darkest Night.

What I Watched

Aside from my regular shows, I haven't watched anything else. I do have to say that rereading Into The Darkest Night is reminding me why I loved Arrow so much, so I may try to watch the show again after ARC August ends.

What I Listened To

So Taylor Swift came out with a new album and it's been on repeat since yesterday morning. My absolute favorite song on the album is exile with Bon Iver. It's just the best song ever and hopefully Spotify will take notice of how many times I've listened to it and put it on my On Repeat playlist next week.

This week I also took a deep dive into Yalın's discography. He is a Turkish artist that has some really great songs. I can't choose a favorite, so I'll link you guys to three songs: Deva Bize Sevişler, Deme Bana Yokum, and Delidir. Deme Bana Yokum has some serious 80s vibes, even in the music video, and it's so fun to listen to it.

Next Week On The Blog

I have to play catch up with some posts. This week the heat got to me so I didn't really have the energy to post as much as I wanted, but I'm writing all my posts in advance, as I have the ideas fresh in my head.

  • ARC August: Sign Up Post
  • TV Madness: Sen Çal Kapımı Bölüm 3 Review
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Need To Catch Up On
  • Wednesday Chatter: Tips To Get Out Of A Reading Slump
  • TV Madness: Sen Çal Kapımı Bölüm 4 Review
  • Audiobook Review: A Princess In Theory by Alyssa Cole
  • Mid Year Reading Challenges Check In
  • Book Review: Sinner by Sierra Simone
  • Book Review: Wilde In Love by Eloisa James


That's it for me. How was your week? Did you get any good books this week? Did you read any good blog posts? Share in the comments!