Sunday, January 29, 2012

Book Review: The Iron Maiden by Resa Nelson

Author: Resa Nelson
Series: The Dragonslayer #2
My Rating: 5 cups
Source: review copy provided by the author
Blurb: (from Amazon):

Astrid is reluctant to travel the winter route beyond the Northlands, even though it’s her duty. She’d rather stay home in her village, surrounded by friends and neighbors. Ignoring the bonds of tradition, she decides to spend the cold winter months in the warmth of her blacksmithing shop. Why should she leave the comfort of her cottage to serve and protect foreigners who might raid and harm her native Northlands?Everything changes when a traveling merchant steals Starlight, the first dragonslayer’s sword Astrid forged and her last link to her sweetheart DiStephan. Having no time to alert her friends, Astrid races in pursuit of the merchant, determined to reclaim Starlight as her own and return home in time for dinner. Instead, her quest leads her to new lands, unexpected friendships with foreigners, and a harrowing encounter with the damage done by the followers of a new god that considers women as nothing more than servants to men. All the while, she must be ready to face any dragon traveling the winter route.In Book 2 of the Dragonslayer series, Astrid must learn that deciding who she is isn’t a decision she can make just once. Instead, it’s a decision she must make every day.

This is the second book in the Dragonslayer series and I loved it even more than the first installment. The first  thing I loved about it was that, while there are certain moments when you are remembered about the things that happened in the first book, they aren't too big or too many. I was very happy with that.

I loved the fact that in this book Astrid was more mature and I felt like she was more aware of her actions and their consequences. I also liked that she made friends on her journey and that she took her role at protecting the people around them seriously, even if it  wasn't just against dragons and lizards.

One thing that is different in this book, we have more than just one point of view and I loved that. I liked the subplots. I loved Margreet and her story and I was very sad of how it ended. I liked the friendship that Astrid and Margreet had.

One thing that I think was amazing, was the way the author created the background of this book. The reader learns more about women's role in the society, about the old religions and about the new one, about the way in which priests would abuse their power, these little details made the world built in this series seem real and I loved that.

And can I just say how much I love the cover? The design is amazing and I'm trying to imagine how it would look made of silver *sigh*

I'm very curious what will happen next in the story.

My Rating:
Rocked my world photo Image9.png