Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 06 – A book that makes you sad

Text books and books I don't finish reading. Text books mean exams. I hate exams. As I have to prepare for a big exam later this year, I hate text books even more. I have to say, out of...50 text books there are about 4 or 5  that I enjoy reading, but that almost doesn't matter when you're reading many, many text books. The books I don't finish is a no-brainer.

Oh, I have another one. Like I said in a previous post, I love a lot of series. Some of those series are insanely long. It doesn't bother me, but with some of those (I won't tell which) the latest books disappoint me. Some of the characters from those series, characters that I'm very fond of, tend to act very...odd in the latest installments and it bothers me, because while a fictional character is allowed to have a "bad day", he/she shouldn't change completely. There's a character, a male vampire, that I love and he's all manly, strong, sexy, smart, funny in all the books of a certain series and in the last one or two books he's like a pitiful shadow of himself. Like I said, he can be cranky, angry, moody, but I don't think he should act all beta when he was alpha, or suddenly loose some brain cells when previously he was smart and all. That's just me, I'm not trying to be snarky or anything. And yes, it makes me sad to see a character become less than what he is.

So that's me. What books make you sad?