Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dirty Little Secret (7)

Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by Under The Covers.

The rules are simple:

1. Be a follower of Under the Covers.
2. Create a post in your blog taking the meme image and copy instructions.
3. Answer the weekly question.

For more information and for signing up, go to the Under The Covers blog.

This week's question:

If you had 600 million dollars to spend, what would be the first thing you bought?

Oh my. What wouldn't I do with so much money??! Ummm...The first thing huh? I'd go find (and buy) my dream house: it's on the beach, with a special room just for my books - a reading room if you like (before you ask, yes, I have even the perfect idea for how that room should look like. I might even share my idea someday if you like :p ). In a perfect world, there would be a huge forest behind that house and I'd have enough money to have a wolf. I know normal people want a dog, not a huge wolf, but I never claimed to be normal (seriously, I'd insult the normal people if I said I was one of them :P)

Anyway, that's my answer. What's yours?


  1. Ohhh that sounds like a beautiful place!!


  2. On the beach sound perfect, I'd probably buy a house for every scenery, beach, forest, city, island and in between. ;)

    Here is mine with "ANY e-book by Sable Hunter" erotic romance Giveaway!

  3. I want a wolf too!!! Dogs and cats are so domestic I want something wild and real. even if it lasts for a little while before it eats me

  4. haha wolves sound scary to actually own one! but I totally go for the house on the beach thing!

    My DLS

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

  5. I'm not sure about the wolf thing but I have two huskies and they are big and fluffy. lol I wanted to buy a new home too. ;o)
    My Dirty Little Secret

    Amanda @ Sisters Unedited

  6. Ooh... I remember this couple that had a wolf/domestic dog mix. They looked like pure white wolves, and were just as big. They were so pretty...

    My DLS for this week.
