Friday, April 13, 2012

Interview & Giveaway: Sherri Hayes

Please welcome Sherri Hayes to Ruby's Books. She stopped by today to talk about her newest book, Behind Closed Doors (read my review here)


* Thank you for stopping by, Sherri. Tell us a little about yourself.

Thank you for having me Ruby. A little about myself… I’m thirty-five years old, and live with my husband and three cats in Ohio. Behind Closed Doors is my third published novel and I am currently busy editing my fourth novel, Need, which will be out July 26th, and writing my fifth, Red Zone.

* When did you decide to become a writer?

It wasn’t a planned thing exactly. I never had dreams of being a writer growing up. I did, however, have stories constantly floating around in my head. About five years ago, I put my first story to paper so to speak, and posted it on line. The response floored me to say the least, and eventually led me to writing my first novel, Hidden Threat.

* What inspired you to write Behind Closed Doors?

The ideas for my stories typically come from many different places. Behind Closed Doors started with a book cover I’d seen at a store. I never picked the book up, but the cover was of a winding country road. It made me think of someone moving to a new town to start over. After that, my imagination took over. Who was moving to a small town and why?

* I saw that Gage's story is the next one in the series. Can you give us an idea about what to expect from his book?

Although Gage’s story isn’t due out until February of next year, I’m already in the midst of writing it. At twenty-six, Gage is a professional football player and the baby of the family. We only get a glimpse of him in Behind Closed Doors, but there is a lot going on there that he hasn’t shared with his family. His lady is Miss Rebecca Carson; an FBI agent. Let’s just say there should be some fun times ahead. ;)

Oh, I can imagine it will be very fun :D

* What's your favorite book?

My favorite book? You know that’s a cruel thing to ask a reader, right? Lol. If I have to pick one, it would most likely be Voyager by Diana Gabaldon. I love how she is able to weave so much history into a story and still make it captivating. Plus, who doesn’t like Jamie Fraser?

Yes, I know it's a little cruel LOL

* What do you do when you're not writing or reading?

Lately I haven’t had a lot of time to do much of anything else, but I can sometimes be found out in the woodshop helping my husband or trolling antique malls.

* What is the hardest part of being a writer?

The hardest part of being a writer is figuring out how to balance everything. Writing itself is only a part of being a published author. There is also marketing and blogging and editing that have to be done among other things.

* What are you reading now?

I’m currently reading Lover Unleashed by J.R. Ward.

I hope you like it :D

* Last movie you saw.

The last movie I saw in a theater was The Vow with Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum.

* If you could be any one of your characters, who would you be and why?

Whenever I get asked this question, I cringe just a little. I tend to put my characters through the emotional wringer, so most of the time I’d rather not be like them. If I had to pick one, however, I would probably have to say Cali from Hidden Threat. Aside from the fact someone is trying to kill her, her life is pretty good. Plus, she has a hot ex-military man in Matthew. I’d just rather not have her past and what it took to get her to where she is today.

* Thank you for stopping by!

Thanks for inviting me. :)


Giveaway Time!!

Behind Closed Doors (Daniels Brothers #1)I have one ebook copy of Behind Closed Doors to give away. All you have to do is fill out the form below. Comments are welcome, but you have to fill the form to enter the contest.You have until Friday (April 20) to enter. I will announce the lucky winner on Saturday, April 21. Be sure to check back here to see if you won. I will be emailing the winner as soon as possible to let him/her know how to claim the prize.

This giveaway is open internationally!

NOTE! Winner must respond to my email in 72 hours, or a new winner will be chosen.

Please read the Giveaway/Contest Policy before entering.


  1. Look forward to reading your book. I'm always on the lookout to find and read new authors. Without these types of blogs, I would miss out on some great writers.

