Friday, April 13, 2012

Follow Friday (15)

Welcome to Follow Friday hosted this week by Parajunkee and Alison!
The main idea behind FF is just to go see a bunch of new blogs you may never have seen before, and follow the ones you like (and they’ll follow you back!) It’s a total win/win, so take a peek around!

This week’s question is:

Q: What is one book that you would be nervous to see a movie adaption of because you think the movie could never live up to the book?

I think I'd be nervous about all the books I love to have a movie adaptation. I think there are very few movies that are just as good as the books they're based on. I think I might be more comfortable with a TV show adaptation if the book in question is part of a series. Then again, there's a certain TV show (that I'm not going to name for fear of flying projectiles thrown my way :P ) that ruined the books for me, so I think it's a very difficult thing to make a good movie/TV show while staying true to the book(s).

What about you?


  1. Hi Ruby,

    Hopping through!

    New Follower from

  2. Love the reviews I've read here so far! Very well written and concise! Following from the hop. I hope to see you over at Patch of Sky.

