Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Blog Tour Book Review: Her Heart For The Asking by Lisa Mondello

Author: Lisa Mondello
Series: Texas Hearts #1
Publisher: Self-pub
Publishing Date: February 8th, 2012
My Rating: 4 cups
Blurb: (from Goodreads)
Promises made...secrets kept...
Mandy Morgan swore she’d never step foot in Texas again after Beau Gentry left her for life on the rodeo circuit eight years before. He once promised he'd love her forever. But he'd abandoned their love for the rodeo and she hadn't seen him since. Now she's back in Texas. Her uncle’s heart is failing and Mandy has to convince him that surgery will save his life. She never dreamed the first thing she’d see when she stepped off the plane would be her biggest nightmare...the one man she’d never stopped loving.
Beau Gentry had the fever for two things: the rodeo and Mandy Morgan. But for Beau, loving Mandy was complicated by his father’s vendetta against her uncle and a promise he'd made to an old friend. Hank Promise, Mandy's uncle, was more like a father to Beau than his old man had been. The hardest thing Beau had ever done was leave Mandy behind for the rodeo. He can still see the bitterness and hurt on her face. It has killed him all these years to think Mandy had forgotten him...maybe even in the arms of another man. But now they’re both back in Texas, and Beau's going to do all he can to win back her love.

One of my favorite themes in romance has to be the one about second chances. There's just something about them, ya know? This is probably the reason why I enjoyed reading about Mandy and Beau so much.

If you love cowboys, you'll definitely love Beau. He's sexy, wild, passionate about what he likes and loves. And I could really see he truly loved Mandy, enough to sacrifice himself to keep her safe. That's one of the reasons I liked him. The other one is that he is a man of his word. He made some promises to Hank, Mandy's uncle, and he never broke them. Besides that, he is funny.

Mandy never really got over Beau. She might think she did, but she really still loves him. She has some hurt bottled up inside, not just over Beau, but her family also. I felt like she would to... explode or something. I don't know, I was expecting her at some point to scream, kick, yell, whatever. But she didn't act like a brat, she acted like an adult the whole time and I respected her for that. She sacrificed herself and her dreams to work for her father, a job I don't really think she wanted or enjoyed.

I loved the fact that it wasn't some "oh, we've been here before, let's hook up again for old times' sake" kind of story. Both Mandy and Beau had some growing up to do before getting back together and they both needed to say and hear some things.

I really enjoyed reading Her Heart for the Asking and I can't wait to read the other books in this series. You should try it out, the book was good.

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