Friday, August 3, 2012

Blog Tour Book Review: His Heart For The Trusting by Lisa Mondello

Author: Lisa Mondello
Series: Texas Hearts #2
Publisher: Self-pub
Publishing Date: February 15th, 2012
My Rating: 4 cups
Blurb: (from Goodreads)

Ever since Mitch Broader set foot in Texas, he dreamed of owning his own ranch. Now that he’s bought a share in the Double T Ranch, he’s one step closer to the dream. Then his past greets him in the form of a baby basket, complete with infant and birth certificate naming him as the father. He can’t change diapers and work toward his dream at the same time.

When Sara Lightfoot, “Miss Hollywood” in Mitch’s eyes, rescues him with her particular knack for handling his precocious son, he hires her on the spot as a temporary nanny. No matter how much Sara’s dark eyes and warm heart make this bachelor think of making their arrangement permanent, she’s made it perfectly clear she has other plans that don’t include him or his dreams.

Sara Lightfoot never thought she’d return to her home on the reservation. Now she plans to reclaim the life she left by going back to the reservation as a Native American storyteller, teaching the Apache children stories of their culture. She didn’t expect Mitch Broader’s sexy smile or job offer as a live-in nanny to derail those plans. After all she’s been through to come home, can she open up her heart once again to love?

I liked this book a lot more than the first one in the series, Her Heart for the Asking.

First of all, I liked the friendship between Sara and Mitch, their chemistry. And the thing I loved most was that their story didn't feel rushed in any way to me. I loved seeing them together, bonding and trying to figure out what their relationship should be like, all the while keeping their friendship intact.

Sara is a woman with scars. She went through some ugly moments with her ex-husband and she did some things she's not exactly proud of, but she tries to learn from her past and use it to help Mitch. She tries to see the good in everyone, even if she's sometimes mistaken.

Mitch is a very sexy cowboy. But there's a lot more to him than that, trust me. He's funny, stubborn, proud, sensible and he has great taste in music. He had a rough childhood and he'll do whatever it takes too make sure that his son won't go through the same traumatic experiences, even if it means giving up his dreams.

There were some very funny moments, there were some sad moments and everything in between. One thing I adored was that we get some info on what happens currently with Mandy and Beau, the heroine and hero from the previous book. I like getting news about old characters, it makes the stories inside a series a lot more real to me.

I would recommend this book to anyone loving a good romance book.

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