Monday, September 24, 2012

Cover Love (26)

Rabid Reads - Cover Love

This feature is hosted by Carmel @ Rabid Reads. The rules are very simple. Choose a cover (or two, or three), preferably new-ish, and share what you like about it. Grab the graphic or don't just so long as you link back.

My pick this week:

 I love how her face and shoulder disintegrate into puzzle pieces and then into dust. Sort of like she's loosing her identity. It's also a tad creepy, how her eye is still intact, but half her face isn't.

Mila 2.0 - Debra Driza

What's your Cover Love this week?


  1. This cover reminds me of that movie with that actor... Simone maybe?

  2. I love this cover! When I first saw it I immediately added it to my TBR list before even reading what it was about LOL Great pick ;-)

    1. Thanks. I added it to my TBR mountain. I'm curious what will it be like. Plus, I love puzzles, so that's what drew my eye the most :D

  3. Beautiful and intriguing cover, Ruby. :)
    Here is my Cover Love post.
    If you get a chance, please stop by. :)
