Thursday, September 27, 2012

News, Feedburner and other stuff

Hey everyone!

You might have heard that Google decided to shut down FeedBurner. So that means no more email subscription from them. No worries though. Karina from Nocturnal Book Reviews found Blogtrottr as an alternative. And it's so cool! You can even sign up and manage all your subscriptions and everything. And it's easy to use. So, if you want to re-subscribe by email, you can do so using the Email Subscription form on my  sidebar on the left. It should lead you to the Blogtrottr website and you put your email and how you want to subscribe (Daily Email, real-time email and other options). If it doesn't work, please let me know (my email address is - no spam, please!) Also, if you want to know more about what may happen with FeedBurner, read this post made Parajunkee.

That's one thing. Another news is that I finally finished the autumn header *points up*. I know it's a little naked, by I have a back-ache from hell and I really don't have any patience left to tweak it a little bit more. The doll was made using one of Ola's (Doll Divine) exclusive doll makers. One of the book graphics were made using a free tutorial from The Paint Shop Pro Users Group and the leaf brush and the pumpkins I made using a tutorial made by Louise G. And the shinny stars and the other book graphics were made with tutorials too, but I can't find any link right now. Will search in my history and put up a link as soon as I find it. Before you ask, yes, I use Paint Shop Pro. And no, I won't change to Photoshop. Tried that and it confused me for some reason.

I'm also half-done with my book badges graphics. I do hope I finish soon, though I can't promise when I'll start using them.

Yeah, so that's it for news and stuff. Now back to reading :D