Monday, October 8, 2012

Book Review: Temptation in a kilt by Victoria Roberts

Author: Victoria Roberts
Series: Bad Boys of the Highlands #1
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Release Date: September 4th 2012
My Rating: 4.5 cups
Source: Netgalley
Blurb (from Goodreads):

She's On Her Way to Safety

It's a sign of Lady Rosalia Armstrong's desperation that she's seeking refuge in a place as rugged and challenging as the Scottish Highlands. She doesn't care about hardship and discomfort, if only she can become master of her own life. Laird Ciaran MacGregor, however, is completely beyond her control...

He Redefines Dangerous...

Ciaran MacGregor knows it's perilous to get embroiled with a fiery Lowland lass, especially one as headstrong as Rosalia. Having made a rash promise to escort her all the way to Glengarry, now he's stuck with her, even though she challenges his legendary prowess at every opportunity. When temptation reaches its peak, he'll be ready to show her how he really is...on and off the battlefield.
A guilty pleasure of mine as a reader (one of many) is historical romances set in the Highlands. There's just something about a sexy Scottish rogue, you know?

I loved Temptation in a kilt, I really did. Ciaran MacGregor is one sexy man, very considerate, sweet, charming, strong and I could thing of some other qualities. I liked his honor and sense of duty most of all. He was willing to give up on the thing he wanted most in order to keep a promise and that means something. He's also incredibly stubborn and that was sometimes a little infuriating, but in a good way.

Rosalia was such a sweetheart. I really liked her and at times, I wanted to go hit someone for the way her parents treated her. I was actually glad she managed to escape them. She's very considerate and she cares for the people around her. I really liked seeing her interact with Ciaran's family. I would've wanted her to get the chance to confront her mother, to really stand up for herself. Maybe in the next book that will happen. I think Rosalia really needs that chance, I truly do believe that.

The book is fast-paced and the characters are great. I especially liked Ciaran's sister-in-law. There were some predictable moments, but they didn't ruin the book for me. And I admit, that once in a while predictable is good. So if you like historical romance and bad boys in kilts, give this book a chance.

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