Monday, October 1, 2012

September in Retrospect

Wow. This really was a full, long, productive month. I read more than I expected, which is a good thing. Here's what I read this month:

  1. Blade Song - J. C. Daniels
  2. The Brotherhood of Piaxia - Michael Drakich
  3. The Iron King - Julie Kagawa
  4. The Iron King's Daughter - Julie Kagawa
  5. The Iron Queen - Julie Kagawa
  6. Guilty Pleasures - Laurell K. Hamilton - re-read
  7. Twenties Girl - Sophie Kinsella - re-read
  8. Spider's Bite - Jennifer Estep
I know it's not as much as last month, but it is something. September, just like March, are weird months for me. This whole "in between" seasons changes kill me. I'm either way too sleepy, too cold or too agitated and too hot to function like a normal human being. Weird, trust me. And energy-drainer *sigh*

Reviews I posted:

  1. Blade Song - J. C. Daniels
  2. The Brotherhood of Piaxia - Michael Drakich
  3. The Iron King - Julie Kagawa
  4. Vampire Academy - Richelle Mead
  5. Frostbite - Richelle Mead
  6. Guilty Pleasures - Laurell K. Hamilton - re-read
  7. No Humans Involved - Kelley Armstrong
  8. Spider's Bite - Jennifer Estep
  9. Arise - Amber Garr
The big event of September is that I participated in my very first Bloggiesta. I'm happy I finally did it and I can't wait for the next one. Here's the wrap-up post for my Bloggiesta. 

Here is how my Reading Challenges goals look like:

2012 TBR Pile Reading Challenge - 22/20 DONE I just realized I finished this one *happy dance*
New Author Challenge 2012 - 37/25
100 Books In A Year Reading Challenge 2012 - 74/100 Well, it's getting closer and closer to the finish line *excited*

September was a good month. Three months left of this year. I hope I manage to finish the other Reading Challenges and read all the books I have planned :D

So, how was your month?


  1. I can't believe that there's only 3 months left in 2012. CRAZY! Sounds like you had a good month; here's hoping that October is even better! :)

    1. I'm just sad summer is over. Then again, December does bring the first Hobbit movie, so I figure it's only fair to endure a little cold :P
      It was a good month. And I hope October is better. Thanks. You too!
