Saturday, June 29, 2013

Reading Blogs & Eating Popcorn #3

Reading Blogs & Eating Popcorn is a weekly feature here at Ruby's Books, in which I share some of the posts written by other fellow book bloggers over the last week, posts that I loved so much I have to share. 

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The first post comes from Kimba @ Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. She gives some tips on writing negative reviews. Since I started book blogging I've only written one negative review. I'm a bit... uncomfortable with the idea of writing more negative reviews. This is mostly due to the fact that, like I said many times in the past, I just tend to stop reading books I don't like even a little bit. But these tips are great, and some of them apply even to positive reviews.

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The second post is from Ashley @ Nosegraze and it's about MyFreeCopyright and if it's useful or not. I think that even though it's a free service and it's not tied to any government, it can't hurt. But I do think, like Ashley says, that it doesn't do a lot to actually protect your work. But it's not nothing.

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The third and last post is from Nancy @ Tumbling Books. She wrote a very cut and funny post on what happens when book bloggers get lazy. This totally sounds like me. *blushes* On a serious note though, college is why some mental health problems develop *sigh*

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That's all for now! Do you have some great blog posts that you read this week that you loved and think everyone should read them? Share them in the comments below :)


  1. Thanks for the mention, I don't review books I DNF, but two and three star reviews aren't always glowing and there is a reason why. So I guess my intent was more how to tell what you didn't like in a positive way. All books can't be glowing five cups of coffee reviews.

    1. I've had a few three stars reviews. I don't get to two stars though. I'm weird, meaning if I don't get to like the book enough to give it at least three stars, I don't really have the urge to finish reading it.
