Monday, July 1, 2013

Book Review: Unbeautifully Loved by Emma Grayson (+18)

Author: Emma Grayson
Series:  Breathe Again #1
Publisher:Emma Grayson
Release Date:April 25th 2013
My Rating: 5 Cups
Source:Review copy provided in exchange for an honest review
Blurb (from Goodreads):

In three words I can sum up everything I learned about life. Regardless of the shit going on in your life, this fact still remains.

It. Goes. On

Lexie Todd knew these 3 simple words. They were her mantra. So, after dealing with years of abuse at the hands of her boyfriend and the father of her son, she knows what needs to be done. With help from her best friend Mollie, they go on the run.

After months of being on the run they finally find the perfect town to settle in. Unable to trust and always having her guard up, the last thing Lexie wants is to get involved with Lukas Gunn.

Persistent, annoying, bossy, over protective and extremely hot, Detective Lukas Gunn.

After an incident leaves her vulnerable, Lukas knows there’s something haunting her. He’s determined to find out, wanting to protect her and make her his. But Lexie is determined also. Not wanting to give up her past, she pushes him away. Repeatedly.

But when history repeats itself, will Lexie finally be able to trust those around her to keep her safe? Will Lukas be able to save her? Or will Lexie succumb to only knowing what it’s like to be Unbeautifully Loved?

This book contains the following and is recommended for ages 18 and up.

-Sexual content.
-Abusive subject matter
-Attempted rape

Have you ever read a book that took you so much by surprise it left you a little breathless? That’s how I felt right after finishing Unbeautifully Loved. Lexie and Lukas’s story was so beautiful, it made me not want to leave it’s pages for a long, long time.

Lexie has had a rough life. At only 26 she went through some pretty horrible things, so horrible I have no idea how she managed to escape them. I liked that even though she is tired and scarred by her past, she has enough strength in her to not let them rule her entire life.

Lukas was an amazing hero. Sexy and funny, he’s also very perceptive and very honest. He saw through all of Lexie’s walls, defenses and fears and managed to get to see the real woman that she should’ve been all along. He protected her when she needed it, even though at times he might have come across as way too stubborn for his own good.

I loved this book. Some parts where a little predictable, but they didn’t pull me away from the story. I would love to see a HEA story for Mollie. I loved her and she deserves it after everything she did for Lexie.

Now I’m waiting for the next book in this series, Unbearable Guilt. *sighs* I have to wait until October *pout*

Happy Reading!!