Saturday, March 17, 2018

International Bookworms: My Favorite International Bookish People

hosted by Books & Babble

Hello my fellow bookworms! How are you on this gloomy rainy day? Today's topic in the International Bookworms feature hosted by the awesome Ayla is about our favorite international bookish people. I hate choosing favorite people, really, mostly because I am always scared of missing anyone. So, because of this, I'll stop at 5 bookish people on the main platforms where I follow bookish people: Instagram and Blogs


First off, let me start with Vampress Bathory. She's a Romanian girl like me (yay!) and she is super talented. She also just started her own blog, so do check it out, because it is awesome. Plus it is bilingual, which is something I could never do.

Next we have the lovely Szilvi. Not only is she super funny and fantastic and really talented, but she also is the inspiration for my current instagram theme. So if you like mine, you will love hers, because she obviously does it way better than I could even dream of.

Beatrice from Italy is up next. She's really talented and I like her feed a lot. Plus her story game is fantastic.

Ayla, our very lovely host, has a fantastic feed. Not only is her blog super awesome, she also is really talented at photography.

Last, but definitely not least, Fanna is amazing at black and white photos. Her blog is amazing as well, so do check it out!


I cannot start this list without mentioning Evelina from Avalinah's Books. She is the reason I met so many great international bloggers. She is an amazing blogger and you need to follow her right now.

Marta from The Cursed Books is a fantastic blogger from my home country, Romania. She is amazing, her reviews are great and her discussion posts are very, very awesome.

Elgee from Elgee Writes is the reason for my blog revamp, and for that I will forever be grateful to her. She's also a great blogger and I love her reviews.

Marie from Drizzle & Hurricane Books is also an amazing blogger. I love her reviews and her discussion posts a lot.

Last but not least is Camilla from The Reader In The Attic. Not only is she great at blogging, she's also great at bookstagramming.

So there you have it, folks. Some of my favorite international bookish people. So sorry for those I've missed, I promise it was not on purpose. I see you, I love you, I'm sending you lots of love.

Let's discuss. Who are some of your favorite international bookish people?


  1. I love this meme so much, it's helped me find a lot of international bloggers I may have missed otherwise! There are a few names here I don't recognize, so I'm off to check them out now :)

    1. I love it too! It's always great to see more international bloggers out there. I am glad you discovered some new people to check out :)

  2. Yay, you remember me! And it has been a while since I came down to your blog and I am glad you did. I love all those you have mentioned and I am glad to be a part of these wonderful community.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes
