Sunday, March 18, 2018

Weekly Wrap-up / Sunday Post #1

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. 

Hello dear book lovers! I am so happy this week is over!

What I read

I had a pretty slow week, only managing to read 3 books:

I did try to study more this week, so that is why I didn't manage to read more. I do hope I'll make a dent in my TBR in the upcoming days.

What I Watched

  • I started watching Queen Of The South on TV, and now it is my latest TV obsession. It's a good TV show, with a good cast. It is a show based on another show, that in turn is based on Arturo PĂ©rez-Reverte's book, Queen Of The South. I am very excited to get my hands on the book, because I'm curious to see what the differences are between the show and the book.
  • On the same channel with Queen Of The South I also discovered a true crime documentary, Deadly Sins. I love it, it is done very well and I cannot wait to see which cases they'll present next week
What I Listened To

I realized it's been a while since I last listened to an album from start to finish, so I decided to scour Spotify for artists and albums. By the way, when I saw I haven't listened to an album, I'm just referring to commercial music, not ambient music or soundtracks.

The first album I listened to was I Don't Believe We've Met by Danielle Bradbery. It was surprising, to be honest. I liked it a lot and I might listen to it again.

Next I listened to From A Room Volumes 1 and 2 by Chris Stapleton. I did enjoy Volume 1 better.

On The Blog

Next Week On The Blog

I'm excited about this week. I have two blog tours coming up, one for Ride Dirty by Laura Kaye and one for Three To Ride by Lexi Blake. Aside from other reviews, Top Ten Tuesday is super interesting this week and I can't wait to see what people share, as well as share my picks for books in other countries. There's a discussion post I'm excited for you guys to read and I'm finally going to go back to my favorite feature, Sunday Book Soundtrack, starting next week. 

I'm also really excited about the books I'm planning on reading next week. I'm going to aim for at least 4 books, we'll see if I can manage it. 

Let's talk. How was your week? Did you read the books you wanted to read?


  1. I like Deadly Sins too. I watch a lot of crime shows, true and fiction ones. They can be addictive. LOL Sometimes I need a break from reading and binging the telly is relaxing.

    My Sunday Post

    1. They are soooooo addictive, right? Although Deadly Sins can make me lose my faith in humanity little by little. And it is scary when you think of it. BUT it is addictive lol.

  2. I gotta read one of those 1001 Dark Nights books, they look so good!!At least you got a few reads done that is always good!!

  3. Three books in a week?? That sounds already so good to me ahah :) I hope you'll have a lovely week! :) x
