Monday, June 25, 2018

Down The TBR Hole #3


Hello dear book lovers and welcome to another post in the Down The TBR Hole feature hosted by the awesome Lia.

Hello my lovely bookworms and welcome to another episode of my attempt to control my TBR. Today we start the count at 3134 books, because apparently I have no self control and I get too excited about adding books on my list. BUT IT'S NOT MY FAULT SINCE NEW BOOKS KEEP POPPING UP THAT I WANT TO READ OMG Anyway, let's start, shall we?

  • I remember adding To The Edge to my TBR after reading a short story of Cindy Gerard that I really enjoyed. Rereading the blurb has sparked my interest again for the book, so I definitely want to read it. Verdict: It stays
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed is a book I remember adding, but I can't really say I'm all that interested in reading it now, unfortunately. Verdict: It goes
  • As with To The Edge, I'm really curious about Show No Mercy. Verdict: It Stays
  • I don't really remember anything about How To Seduce A Texan, and the blurb doesn't really ring any bell. I might see myself reading it in the future, but at the moment I can't really say when. Verdict: Moved to the maybe shelf
  • Lucky Break has been one of those books that just fell through the cracks. I remember reading the first two books of the trilogy and loving it. I don't really remember much except for the fact that the men of a family are cursed to fall in love and then lose everything they have, including love and money, and I also think that the last book involves the woman from the family whose ancestors placed said curse, but that's about it. I need to reread the series from the very beginning. Verdict: It stays

  • Ohhh, how I remember Montana Legacy and the McCords series. First of all, I added this book back when I was on a western romance kick. Second of all, I remember looking at the cover and thinking the cover model looks a lot like an actor whose name I can't place right now, but they look so much alike. I am still very curious about this book and I am very excited about reading it. Verdict: It stays
  • I've heard so much about this author and I was curious enough to want to read her books. Reading the blurb of You Slay Me I'm even more intrigued, because there are dragons and I want more dragons in my life. Verdict: It stays
  • Undead and Unemployed has been on this list for years now. I loved Betsy and her crazy adventures and her tendency to put her stepmom's jewelry in the blender as revenge, so I am curious about how her story moves on. Verdict: It stays
  • All that I remember from Tell It To The Marines is the cover art. While the blurb sounds interesting, I don't really see myself reading this book anytime soon, especially since the short stories within its pages are set in some of the author's previous works. So I might have to try out a different book and then if that goes well I'll circle back to this book. Verdict: Moved to the maybe shelf
  • Although I don't remember anything about this book, I remember I added it right after reading Howard's Mackenzie series, which I loved. Ever since then, I've been very afraid of reading anything else by her, because my expectations are super high. I will be reading To Die For, but not right now. Verdict: Moved to the maybe shelf

  • Back in the day there were anthologies and then there were the "mammoth books of X genre/subgenre", and boy was I happy to add them to my TBR. I've never really read a "mammoth book of...", mostly because the name just scares me. I probably will read The Mammoth Book of Special Ops Romance, but not in the near future. Verdict: Moved to the maybe shelf
  • I never pretended not to be a shallow creature when it comes to cover models, and when I saw a look-alike for the late actor Kevin Smith, my childhood crush, I added The Black Prism in my TBR faster than I could breathe. I am curious about the book, and the reviews help tickle my interest. Verdict: It stays
  • I've wanted to read A Quick Bite ever since I started reading paranormal romance. The Argeneau series is one of the longest I've seen, and while the number of books in it is pretty scary, I'm intrigued enough to try at least the first 3 books. Verdict: It stays
  • Although Labyrinth was a 3-cup read for me, I liked the writing style enough to be intrigued by the series to want to read Sepulchre and CitadelVerdict: It stays

  • I want to say I remember The Spellman Files, but unfortunately I don't. I guess I added it back in my chick lit days, but the blurb didn't really spark my interest. Verdict: It goes
  • I'm all for fairytale retellings, and Sisters Red sounds like such an intriguing story. I am even more curious about it now than I was before. Verdict: It stays
  • The idea of a non-cute/hot/romantic version of vampires is great, but I fear The Reformed Vampire Support Group sounds a bit too much like a parody. I might be intrigued enough to read it, but not right now. Verdict: It goes
  • The Winter Ghosts ended up on my TBR right after I read Labyrinth. There was something about the cover that caught my eye, and I really can't say exactly why. The blurb sounds interesting enough, so I plan on reading it. Verdict: It stays
  • The Chase is another book that has fell through the cracks. When I was on a sports romance binge, I read the previous books from the series and then promptly forgot to move forward with the series. This says something about me as a reader, not about the series, because I remember loving them. I need to reread the series from the start though. Verdict: It stays
I started today's TBR check-up with 3134 books. Of the 20 books I looked over, 3 ended up being deleted from my TBR altogether, while another 4 ended up in my maybe shelf. This bring the total to 3127, which might not seem like much, but I'm still kinda happy. I might prepare another post or two of this series for the upcoming weeks just to really make a dent in that list, to make it seem like I'm moving forward instead of backwards though. 


  1. LOve this kinds of post! Sisters Red seems so intriguing!

    1. Thank you! I am intrigued by it as well. Hopefully it will be a great read :D
