Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Series I’ve Given Up On & Series I'd Like To Finish One Day

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday theme is “Series I’ve Given Up On/Don’t Plan to Finish" and this feels like a painful subject, especially since I know that I will might get in trouble for saying what I'm about to say. At the same time, Jana also allows us to change the prompt a little bit and make it about the series we'd like to finish one day. Because I'm me and I love to make my life difficult, I'm going to combine them and make two top 5 lists: one for series I've given up on, and the other about series I want to finish one day. So without further ado, here are

Five Series I've Given Up On

  • ACOTAR by Sarah J Maas - I remember reading the first book and being in love. I remember reading the second book and feeling confused and betrayed. I remember starting reading the third book, putting it down halfway through and just...not feel a thing. I want to finish the third book, and I probably will, but for me, ACOTAR will be a trilogy. I remember it was announced as such and I fear some plots and subplots were added in and changed along the way because the transformation from trilogy to a longer series happened. I'm sorry if this offends fans of this series, but I don't see myself going past the third book.
  • Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella - Sophie Kinsella is one of my favorite authors, and she's been on my top 5 authors for the last ELEVEN years. But dear God, Becky Bloomwood... She just doesn't learn. The last book I read with Becky was the third book, I think, the one with the wedding(s). And while it did elicit some giggles out of me, it wasn't as funny or heartwarming as with Kinsella's stand-alones.
  • Black Dagger Brotherhood by J.R. Ward - My big thing with long series is that the more I read the series, the more I need to trust the author. Long romantic series mean that, at their core, the stories have the same basic idea. Main character meets other main character, sexy times happen, feelings run wild, angst happens, and the connecting thread between the books, whether it's a family saga or a paranormal series about the fight between good and evil, is continued and built upon as either the backdrop of the love story or as the main event with the love story being the side dish. The problem comes when my trust in the author isn't there anymore. And while I will cherish this series forever, and I will remember it fondly, and I might even reread the first 9 or 10 books from the BDB series, I know I won't go forward with it, because my trust just isn't there anymore. 
  • Anything new in the Harry Potter universe by J.K.Rowling - Harry Potter has been the book series for me, the one that showed me that words on paper can be fun and not a waste of valuable video gaming time. It made me a reader. It made me expect and demand more from books. But for me Harry Potter is made up of just 7 books. I am very thankful that we have Tales Of Beedle The Bard as a companion, because I love books within books. But I don't care about the rest. Unless it's an update on characters that really need their own stories, like Neville or Luna, I just don't care.
  • The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare - As I said when I talked about the BDB series, I need to trust the author. Clockwork Angel was a good book, but then the ending let me down in such a way that I don't really trust the author to make the other two books sound better. Aside from that, I really hate it when YA portrays girls being bitchy to each other for no real reason other than the fact that society deems it impossible for two or more females do get along. 
Now that I've shared the series I'm not planning on finishing, let's talk about 


  • Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza - I remember that at the time I read this book, I was completely in love with it. I don't really remember much about it, except that there was a cyborg/android (I still don't know the difference...shhhhh) that was passing off as a regular girl and she didn't know she wasn't human, but then she finds out because of a freak accident, so the mad scientists that made her go after her and she has to run and I think the book ends with her at a bus stop or something. I loved the book and I really have no excuse for not finishing the series. I want to finish reading it.
  • Lux by Jennifer L Armentrout - I loved this series, especially because at the time I read it, I had just finished watching Roswell, and it reminded me of that show in some way. I need to find out what happens with Daemon and Katy, especially since I heard talk about a spin-off.
  • Fall and Rise by Chelsea M. Cameron - I rarely go for NA books, but I remember enjoying the drama of this series. It made me think about what happens after a tragedy to the people involved in that tragedy and that came out of it mostly fine. The first book was tragic, the second one also, and I am very curious to see what the rest of the series is about.
  • The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer - Although my rating for the first and only book I read from this series is only 3 cups, the more I think about it, the more I want to read about a cyborg Sailor Moon meeting fairy-tale characters. And I want to know how Cinder's story ends, and I want to know more about Iko
So this is it, folks, the five series I won't be finishing and the five series I'm very, very curious about finishing. What about you? What are the series you've given up on? What about the ones you're curious about enough to want to finish it?


  1. Awesome article, love that you went there and did two lists instead of one! I still haven't finished the last couple of books in the Series of Unfortunate Events series :o

    1. Thank you so much! I heard so much about that series, but I haven't had the time to read it yet. I also haven't yet seen the show. Have you seen it and if so, is it as good as they say?

  2. Oh my god you didn't finish Obsidian and ACoTaR *gasp*. I respect your decision to continue ACoTaR, but you have to finish OBsidian as soon as possible! I love that series, they were so good.


    1. Lol The Flux series just kinda fell through the cracks. I actually think I have only the last book to read. I know the last book I read finished with all the luxen looking at a bright light. Or I'm confusing books? LOL I loved that series, so I am excited for a reread and to finish it.

      As for ACOTAR...I know it's a fan favorite, but I don't really fall into that group, which makes me kinda sad, because I feel like I'm missing something. Oh well...

  3. I loved Mila 2.0 but like you I don't think that I ever picked up the sequels... also I would recommend finishing The Lunar Chronicles... they were A-MAY-ZING!

    How have I never crossed your blog before in the last 8 years? I'm a new follower :)

    Jade @ Ink Scratchers

    1. So happy to see I wasn't the only one who loved Mila 2.0. I don't see it around often enough, which may have been why I kind of forgot about about it. The Lunar Chronicles is, much like ACOTAR, a series everyone loved, so I'm hoping I'll enjoy it also. Also, anything that makes me remember Sailor Moon should be good :D

      Thank you! <3

  4. I may read Cinder one day. I keep running across copies of Cinder so it must mean that someone wants me to read it. Or that others didn’t and gave away their copy.


    1. You should listen to the Universe! I always take this as a sign I must read a book, and I do. Usually I end up being very surprised and liking the book. Let me know if you'll read it :D

  5. Ah I enjoyed this topic, I have now seen The Black Dagger Brotherhood series mentioned a few times-so I probably won't read it. Yet I agree with your Harry Potter-7 books is the series!!

    1. I saw that too, about the BDB series, and it makes me sad, because it was a huge part of my university years. It's the series that got me through most of my exams, if you can imagine. I do recommend reading the first...9 or 10 books, because they were good. I just got to a point where I expected more and got just a little bit less, but maybe it might be different for you?

      Yes, Harry Potter is just 7 books and it should stay that way. Unless, of course, Luna or Neville get their stories told, in which case I'm all over that.

  6. I know what you mean about needing to trust an author to keep reading a story. I quit reading a series for that reason. I definitely recommend finishing the Lunar Chronicles. I think it gets better with each book! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. A lot of people seem to love the Lunar Chronicles, so I might bump it up a little bit on my TBR. Also, It's one of the very few series I'm considering getting in hardback version because of how pretty the covers are.

  7. Good luck with getting some series completed. After I did my post, I seemed to think of so many more that could have made my list. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yeah, I got the same feeling, especially with series I want to finish, but I decided to keep it about series I've kind of let go and not included them in the Series To Finish reading challenge I signed up for this year :D Thank you for stopping by :D

  8. I have the third book left to read of ACOTAR, but I have no idea when I will get to it :)


    1. Will you be continuing the series? I am in that state with ACOWAR where I see it glaring at me from the shelf and I just look the other way lol

  9. I've barely started on book 3 of 'the lunar chronicles' and I can tell you there is a bit of iko in book 2 but not much but I am definitely going to finish 'the lunar chronicles'...some day.

    I'm with you on harry potter, no more sequels, and cursed child isn't even a book which is really one of my complaints.

    I really hate it when a series gets longer especially when the series is already finished. why can't authors leave their book series alone? unless it's a single book, I just don't see how they could have added on more books. the only way to do is new characters and new stories which pretty much means a new series.

    sorry for the rambling.

    have a lovely day.

    1. Ooooh, so a fellow "I have yet to finish The Lunar Chronicles" reader. So happy I'm not the only one lol

      My big thing with finished series that get spin-offs is that if there is something to write about without a huge connection to the original characters, then I'm all in. It's one of the reasons I love Vampire Academy and Bloodlines. While Bloodlines is a spin-off, you get new characters to focus on, with little interference from Rose and her gang. Yes, they're there, but they're not the central piece of the puzzle. While with Harry Potter is seems that the original trio is still the focus of every new story/info that comes along. I was tempted at some point to read the Cursed Child, but then I kind of gave up on the idea as soon as I read the reviews. So I agree with you a lot!

      Thank you! Have a lovely day too!

  10. I may read the Lunar Chronicles someday. I haven't read any of the other books, although I did start reading Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series and am waiting for the library to get the second book to me to continue with that.

    1. I hope you enjoy both series! I am excited about the Lunar Chronicles. Let me know what you think about it when you get to read it :D

  11. Oh yes I hope you read on with The Lunar Chronicles! I've read all of them except the Stars Above novellas and the next Iko graphic novel...and I do love them. 😂Although for some reason I don't feel super enthused about them these days so I just...procrastinate finishing?! And I gave up on ACTOAR after the 1st book.😂

    1. I loved Iko when I first read the book, so I'm expecting greatness from her. Yeah, I expected a lot more from ACOTAR because fae people are a thing and how can that go wrong? Surprise, surprise 😂😂

  12. I really need to get back to the Lunar Chronicles too.

    1. Me too. I also probably will feel differently about it, and like it more than I did before. It's happened before to me lol

  13. I have the Mila book on my shelf... but have as yet to read it! Also, someday I need to read the Lunar books (they sound so cool). But as for Sarah J. Maas? I'm thinking her books just aren't for me.

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Ruby! Apologies it took me this long to visit your Top Ten Tuesday meme, and blog! :)
