Monday, August 13, 2018

Book Review: Dance Of The Heart by Lisa Kessler

Author: Lisa Kessler
Series: Muse Chronicles #6
Audience: +18
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Self-published
Release Date: June 18th 2018
My Rating: 5 Cups
Source: Author
Blurb (from Goodreads):
He's willing to lay down his life, to save hers...

Tera Muldoon not only runs her own dance studio, but she's also secretly the human vessel for the Muse of Dance. Having her name at the top of an immortal's hitlist isn't helping her social anxiety issues, but everything changes the day she hires a bodyguard.

Gavin Thompson is the best at what he does, and when his security company is hired to protect a dance instructor, he thinks it's business as usual. But no one warned him being with Tera would blur the lines between personal and professional interests. What started out as a job might be his only chance at a future he never dreamed possible.

They just need to live to see it.

The Prophecy - "Every generation the nine daughters of Zeus are reborn, and with their rebirth are also nine Guardians. They will be marked by the gods, and given gifts to protect his treasure. Their abilities will only be unlocked when they find their muse."

*Disclaimer: I received an eARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my rating or the content of my review in any way.

**Disclaimer: This book contains mature content. As a result, my review may contain references to content intended for mature audiences only.

We're getting closer and closer to the conclusion of this series and with each step the stakes get higher and higher.

This book brings all the major players closer together. On the one side you have the Muses and their guardians, with all the people willing to help them, while on the other side you have Kronos. The evil of this one villain is made that much bigger just considering that he is, so far, alone. He is weakened by his centuries of imprisonment,yes, but he gives the impression of someone using people as pawns, not allies. He certainly is terrifying enough to pull it off and scare anyone into helping him, as we discover in this book.

In Dance of the Heart Tera, the Muse of dance, finds her guardian, and her inner strength. I didn't understand initially why Tera was so quiet, and why her only way of communicating with others was through her dance, but once I read about her childhood, I understood it. Her mother was truly awful, and Tera had only her dancing to help her escape. I like that finding Gavin has given her the strength she needed to get out of her shell. And while normally I wouldn't be so open to the idea of one guy being the cause for someone's newfound inner strength, I think Gavin was just the catalyst Tera needed in order to stand up for herself and use words to express her feelings and needs and wants. Tera is so hurt by her past, so traumatized by her mother's actions, that she almost doesn't know how to speak her mind without expecting retaliation and punishment, so being with Gavin and interacting with her sisters helps her a lot.

Gavin is exactly what Tera needs, and the perfect addition to their little army. His Guardian powers are surprising, even for the Muses, it seemed. Gavin is a man that has nothing to lose, which you can see in the way he does his job. Only after he starts working for Tera does he start caring about his life and if he does or doesn't come home at the end of a job. I liked Gavin, and I liked the fact that he's willing to learn how to dance for Tera. The scenes with them dancing were super cute and it kind of got my heart beating faster a little bit because of the tenderness in them.

The story starts tying up a few loose ends, and we finally see a glimpse into the powers Kronos possesses and their limitations. I still have a million other questions and I'm very curious to see where the next book will go in terms of drama and heartbreak, but I'm also curious to see if all questions will be answered. I'm also very excited because we already know which Muse will get which Guardian. I can't wait for the next book to be here.