Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Book Blogs

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is near and dear to my heart for a number of reasons, the number one being that it's about the community of readers out there that share the same passions and hobbies: books and blogging. I wouldn't be here had I not discovered my first book blogs many many years ago (think 2008-2009), and I have always felt welcomed from the start in this community. It's going to be very hard to stop at just ten blogs, because I love a lot of blogs and the bloggers behind them. But I'll try really really hard. So without further ado, here are my


  1. Parajunkee - Parajunkee was one of the first book blogs I discovered, way back in 2009. I was still in university, in Romania, and I remember being awed by Rachel's blog. I always knew I could get my fix in paranormal romance from her blog, and find out about new books that I might love. She's snarky, she's funny, she's super talented, and she has some of the best blogging advice posts. I remember following her Book Blogging 101 series religiously back when I was an insecure newbie. I learned a lot from her.
  2. Guilty Pleasure Books - I remember when this blog was just starting out. As the title suggests, the blog is all about those +18 books that might be considered "guilty pleasure reads". 
  3. All Things Urban Fantasy - As the blog name suggests, this was another blog I discovered way, waaay back, when I was reading exclusively paranormal and urban fantasy. It's still my favorite place to go to whenever I want to check the newest releases in my beloved genres.
  4. The Cursed Books - I found Marta's blog last year I think, but I absolutely adore her writing style and her reviews. She also has amazing discussion posts, so do check them out.
  5. Elgee Writes - I found Gayathri's blog last year, when I was lucky enough to discover a bunch of other international book bloggers that I've come to consider dear friends of mine. Her reviews are amazing, and I love her discussion posts a lot.
  6. Avalinah's Books - Evelina is probably the only reason I know so many international book bloggers. I love her reviews and her discussion posts as well. Her posts on book blogging are also very, very useful, so do check them out, because they really do help
  7. Caffeinated Reviewer - I can't tell you when I discovered Kimberly's blog, but I remember loving the fact that at the time she was reading a lot of the books I either was reading or I was excited about. I still love her reviews and I love discovering what she's reading.
Special mentions

I couldn't end this blog post without mentioning three of my favorite book bloggers that have sadly stopped blogging. I remember following them religiously and their blogs were a big influence on me when I first started out. I'm sad that they're no longer blogging, but you can still follow them on Twitter and Goodreads.
  1. Carolyn a.k.a Book Chick City 
  2. Carmel a.k.a Rabid Reads
  3. Brianna a.k.a The Book Vixen 
There are tons of bloggers I love beyond these 10: Jana, Darlene, Kristina, Lauren, Meredith, Rafael... It's hard to pick just ten bloggers out of everyone I know and love, so if I missed you, know it's not because I don't love your blog. *sends hugs to everyone*

What about you? What are some of your favorite bloggers?


  1. It's fun promoting the book blogs and other bookish sites in this week's TTT post, isn't it??

    Here's a link to my TTT post this week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2018/08/top-ten-tuesday-favorite-book.html

    1. It most definitely is! It's nice to spread the love, because personally I love when I hear that a blogger appreciates what I do.

  2. I think it's so nice whenever bloggers support fellow bookworms! Thank you so much for mentioning me, Ruby, it means a lot especially since I'm in such a great company.
    Also, I know I'm probably late to say this, but your blog looks so beautiful! I love the header and everything else, it's super pretty! <3

    1. Thank you so much Marta!! I love it when I see posts like this one, and I jumped at the opportunity to write it. I'm very excited. And trust me, my love of your blog is much deserved :D

  3. Thanks for the shoutout, I am delighted you enjoy my reviews, and you've selected other blogs I adore :)

  4. #6 and #7 are two of my favorite blogs! I’ll have to check out the others you mentioned.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. *cries* wtaf thats my name.

    i loved reading this list bc i recognised most of them and parajunkee + bookchickcity were some of the first blogs i followed
