Saturday, September 1, 2018

ARC August Update: Week 4

Hello there, bookish friends! Here we are, at the end of ARC August. I'm not completely sure where the month went, but it sure went by fast. 
This week I managed to read three books:

Which means I managed to read the 10 ARCs I set out to read when I signed up for this challenge. *happy dance*

NOW. Unfortunately, I only read 3 books off of my original ARC August list: Bayou Born, Wolf Hollow, and Done Dirt Cheap. I think this is because I was so focused on what was on the Bingo card more than on my list, since I didn't know 100% if the books on my list qualified for some of the squares. There was also a book I almost wanted to DNF, and it kind of threw me off my game a little bit, because I wasn't expecting it. Also, I tend to put books on lists I want to follow for a certain period of reading time, and then I get...I don't want to say uninterested, but I definitely don't have the same will to read them as before putting them on the list. So what I'm going to do next year is, if there's a Bingo Card, I'll refrain from making an actual list of books, instead I'll give myself a number of ARCs I want to read. 

All in all, I managed to read 10 ARCs as I set out to read at the beginning of this month, which makes me very proud of myself. 

Here's how my Bingo card looks like (I made two Bingos, which makes me happy) :

I'm very proud of myself and of everyone who participated. It was such a supportive month, everyone encouraging everyone, and it's what kept me going really. I am just sad it's over. 

As always, thank you Octavia, Shelly and Angie for hosting, and I cannot wait for the next event!