Saturday, September 1, 2018

Monthly Wrap-Up: August 2018

Hello my dear book lovers! I can't believe August is already done. I'm not entirely sure it is actually, that's how confused I am by the passing of time. Anyway, apparently it's autumn already, and the weather sure confirms that. Not that I miss the heat wave, but it would be nice for the rain to stop, you know?


I had a very good reading month, if I may say so myself. I managed to set the record actually, at least until now, for the number of books read in a month this year, with 15 books. 10 books were for ARC August, 5 were books I picked up that were not ARCs but still review copies. And I'm now realizing this is exactly the number of books I was aiming to read when July ended, which makes me very proud of myself.


Aside from the previously mentioned reviews, I also wrote a few other reviews for books I've read before August:
There were also some Top Ten Tuesdays, cover reveals and blog blitzes, but generally this month was all about the reviews. It seems that when I wasn't reading I was writing and that makes me very happy. I also wrote some reviews for way, way later in the year, and I'm very excited about sharing them.

Reading Challenges progress

ARC August made sure that not only would I read all those ARCs I needed to read, but that I also made some much-needed progress in my reading challenges.

Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge: 16 out of 25 books, 64% done.
New Authors Reading Challenge: 22 out of 100 authors, 22% done
2018 Blogger Shame: 3 out of 24 books, 13% done

Not necessarily a staggering progress, but I'll take what I can.

What I'm Watching

I haven't really had time to watch anything this month, mostly because I've been busy reading. I'm also not really ready to watch any new TV shows, as I'm waiting for my favorite shows to come back, so I'm going to keep reading a little bit before my attention is divided lol.

What I'm Listening

This month I decided to take a chance on Calum Scott's album, Only Human, and I adored it. I've been mostly on a Country music kick though, and for that I've decided to go the old-fashioned way, with the radio. 

Plans for September

I don't really have big plans for September concerning my blog, except prepare everything I need for October. I've been thinking of some ideas regarding some Halloween-themed reviews for October, as well as some Halloween-themed photo set-ups for my bookstagram, and since I ended up adding about 15 books on my tentative TBR list, I think I'm going to focus on reading at least half of them, so I don't miss a day from my schedule. Other than that, I'll keep up with the regular posts you guys are already used with. I'll probably bring back Obsessed With Covers, since I've seen some pretty gorgeous covers lately, and I'll also write some more Spinning The Yarn posts. I'm excited about September, to be honest.


How was your month? Did you have a good reading month? What was your favorite book you read in August?


  1. 16 rewviews is not bad at all. I am so proud of you, Ruby and your blog looks fantastic!

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  2. i look forward to seeing some of the covers youve been liking

  3. I haven't visited your blog in much too long! I'm glad you had a great reading month :) wow, 15 really is amazing. And in terms of reviews as well! I had a good August too, considering I was traveling almost all of the time :D
