Monday, October 1, 2018

Blogoween Day 1: Halloween Creatures 2.0 Book Tag

It’s finally here guys!! Blogoween has officially started, and what better way to start things off with than a book tag? The wonderful Anthony from Keep Reading Forward is the host for this first week. Let’s start, shall we?


  • Answer all prompts.
  • Answer honestly.
  • Tag 1-13 people.
  • Link back to this post. 
  • Remember to credit the creator. (Anthony @ Keep Reading Forward)
  • Have fun!

A Magical Character or Book.

I’m going to go with the super popular, already-has-been-mentioned-in-every-tag-possible Harry Potter. I grew up with this series and although this series always makes me think of Christmas and winter holidays, I have to admit it is the perfect Halloween story as well.

The Perfect Book to Read at Night.

I do most of my reading at night, so I can’t really pick just one book for this category. If pressed though, I’ll say that the last book that kept me up until the early hours of the morning/late, late at night it’s To Kill A Kingdom by Alexandra Christo.

A Book that Truly Shocked You.

In a good or a bad way? I’ll say, in a good way, Caraval shocked me with its twists and turns, and I loved it. In a bad way I’ll have to say A Court of Mist and Fury.

The Devil 
A Dark, Evil Character.

I’m trying to think of the most shockingly evil character I’ve ever read about, and honestly I think Akasha from Anne Rice’s classic The Queen Of The Damned takes the cake.

 Grim Reaper 
A Character that Should Never Have Died.

Mason from the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead.

A Book that Made You “Hungry” for More. 

It’s a tie between Bitten by Kelley Armstrong and Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. Both books made me fall in love with the setting, the world building, the characters and the story, so much so that I binge read the series they were a part of.

A Character that You Would Protect at All Cost.

Neville Longbottom. Go on, say something. I dare you!

A Book that Sucked the Life Out of You.

This one is a bit more difficult. The book that totally threw me into the most brutal book slump to date is Styxx by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

A Book that Still Haunts You. 

Dead In The Family by Charlaine Harris is still pretty present in my head, for all the wrong reasons. I'll have to get my courage up to finish reading it eventually. One day.

A Book that Really Scared You.

The scariest book I’ve ever read was Hotel Transilvania by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. In truth, it’s not even such an insanely scary book, but I kind of scared myself. It was a cold, rainy October day, much like today, it was around 7 pm, there was a blackout in my neighborhood and I was about... halfway through with my reading when the lights went out. Me, being the undiscovered genius that I am, I decided to light up some candles and turn on the portable radio that I owned, thankful I had some batteries lying around, and I ended up on the classical music channel. So I thought what better way to read this particular book than by the candle light, with classical music going on in the background? Yeah, not such a smart idea when you’re reading about certain very disturbing things and scenes. Needless to say, I called my mom and told her to come home sooner because I was freaked out. She laughed until she cried when she found out why I was freaked out.

A Character You Have a Bone to Pick With.

Tamlin. Listen, I’ll probably give the series another go, and I’ll probably reread the first book and rethink every single thing that Tamlin ever did, but why did he have to turn into such an asshole? Seriously, I’d rather have Amarantha alive than see that guy again.

A Book You Would Preserve Throughout Time.

There are a lot of books that are timeless, but the one I would preserve forever and ever is Seven Days For An Eternity by Marc Levy. Although it’s technically not a Halloween book, it deals with a lot of interesting concepts, like Heaven and Hell, good vs evil in a very unique way. The ending is still stuck in my brain.

Doll A Cover too Scary to Look At.

The creepiest cover I've ever seen in Some Quiet Place by Kelsey Sutton. Look at this cover and tell me it’s not creepy!

 The Monster Mash 
It’s Fun to Be with Friends on Halloween! Tag your friends!

I tag
Anyone else who wants to do this


  1. TAMLIN CAN CHOOOOOKKKKEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With that said, I loved all of your answers!!!! So happy that you are doing blogoween with us! xD

    1. YES HE CAN!!! Actually not just choke, but bite the dust. Just completely! Thank youuuuuu :D :D

  2. I also read most at night, so every book ends up being a perfect night read. Some Quiet Place has such a creepy cover!

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. Right? It's possibly one of the creepiest covers I've ever seen. And yes, reading at night is just perfect.

      Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I'm so sorry it took me so long to come visit! Thank you for the tag <3 I absolutely agree about Neville! He is awesome. And I don't know if you've read Crooked Kingdom, so I'll be careful and won't say who, but one person shouldn't have died in that book T_T

    1. I haven't yet read Crooked Kingdom. As long as Nikolai isn't dead (and I'm thinking he isn't, since he's getting a book), I'm good. LOL
