Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Authors I'd Love To Meet

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Today's Top Ten Tuesday is all about those authors we want to meet. Let me tell you, I have a ton of them. Since I read both adult and YA literature, I had a really hard time picking just 10 authors. BUT I managed to contain my excitement at the thought of possibly, maybe one day, meeting all of my favorite authors and picked 5 adult authors and 5 YA authors. *pats self on the head*. So without further ado, here are

Top Ten Authors I'd Love To Meet


1. Larissa Ione
2. Cherise Sinclair
3. Lexi Blake
4. Sherrilyn Keynon
5. Joanna Wylde


1. Richelle Mead
2. Jennifer L. Armentrout 
3. Stephanie Garber
4. Alexandra Christo
5. Paula Stokes


What about you? Which authors would you like to meet?


  1. Oh, Jennifer Armentrout would be amazing to meet! I've met Stephanie Garber--she is absolutely delightful!♥

  2. Richelle Mead would be a very interesting person to meet in real life.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  3. Stephanie Garber's books are great. She's probably be pretty nice to meet.
