Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Blogmas Day 9: 2019 Books I Want To Read - Debut Authors


Hello my dear book lovers! Sorry for missing a day, but I had a pretty crappy day yesterday. So a few days ago there was a prompt on Bookending Winter about 2019 releases we're excited to read, and since I had a similar idea for Blogmas, I decided to break my list of 2019 releases into two groups: debuts and releases by authors I already had read in the past. So if you want to check the second group, go check out the link above. Today I'm going to share some of the 2019 debuts I'm excited about. Let's start.

2019 Books I Want To Read - Debut Authors

  1. The Waking Forest by Alyssa Wees (YA) - This book sounds so creepy and so good. I couldn't tell you what exactly draws me to it, but I am dying to get my hands on it. The tagline on the cover is also very intriguing: "In the darkness, something is stirring". I want to know more. Is it March yet?
  2. Enchantée by Gita Trelease (YA) - I haven't read a book set in 18th century France in years, but I feel like I'm ready for the experience. Who doesn't want a magical version of that era? I have a lot of expectations for this book, and I'm excited to see if it's just as magical as the blurb and the few reviews I've read promise it will be.
  3. The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen (YA) - I will always check out books that have names of birds in the title or birds on the cover. ALWAYS. This book sounds very, very interesting. When I read the blurb for some reason I thought of The Assassin's Curse and I loved  that book so I am excited. I'm also getting some teeny tiny Vampire Academy vibes. I'm excited.
  4. The Winter Sister by Megan Collins (ADULT) - I'm very intrigued by this book. It's a murder mystery, but I feel that it's also a book about families, about dealing with grief, and I love reading family stories, so I think this book will be right up my alley.
  5. Here and Now and Then by Mike Chen (ADULT) - I want to read this book desperately. I was lucky enough to get an eARCof this book and as soon as January starts I'm going to read it. I seem to like time travel stories (thank you Flash!) and I'm curious to see how this book shows the dangers of time travel, as well as the theme of family.
I have a lot more books on my TBR, but these are just the debut ones. I feel like by the end of the year I'll add more books, and I'm quite okay with that. Let me know if you also want to read any of these books, and tell me which debuts you're excited to read in the upcoming year.


  1. I haven't checked any 2019 debuts but thanks for putting The Winter Sister on my radar. I like sister-relationships and it's a plus that it's a mystery thriller.

    czai @ the Blacksheep Reader

  2. The Waking Forest sounds really good!

    Lotte | www.lottelauv.blogspot.co.uk
