Thursday, January 17, 2019

Audiobook Review: Bombshell by Jen Frederick


Bombshell by Jen FrederickAuthor: Jen Frederick
Series: N/A
Audience: +18
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Self-Published
Release Date: December 31st 2018
My Rating: 3.5 Cups
Source: Read Me Romance
Blurb (from Goodreads):
My brain exploded at the supermarket. One minute I was arguing with my three-month-old about how many grapes she could stick in her tiny mouth and the next minute I was staring at the face of the father of my child.

The guy ghosted me after I told him I was pregnant. I sent him texts, called him and even posted a certified letter but received zero response. While he was down for the baby-making activities, he had zero desire to accept the consequences.

So I did what any other like-minded woman would’ve done in my position. I reached into my cart and started hurling things at him.

To my surprise, he not only paid for the damage but followed me home. Now, he’s telling me he never got my messages or my letter and that he’s ready to be a father.

He’s patching drywall, doing the laundry, and carrying the trash to the curb, and I’m remembering what it was like when he was loving me every night. A few heated stares and a few brushes of his hand against mine and my long-dormant female parts are roaring to life. Everyone’s going to think I’m a few French fries short of a Happy Meal if I let him back into my life, but my heart can’t keep asking what if…


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*Disclaimer: This book contains mature content. As a result, my review may contain references to content intended for mature audiences only.

This was such a cute story and I am so, so happy I got to listen to it.

Bombshell is my first Jen Frederick read and I'll definitely read more books by this author. The story centers around Kate and Jack, and their secret baby. Now, I'm not usually a fan of the secret baby trope, but Frederick made a twist on it that made me actually enjoy the story.

The book starts off in such a funny way, that I laughed out loud. That supermarket scene mentioned in the blurb is probably one of my top 10 favorite scenes from the books I've read. And despite how hard it was to believe that what Jack went through could happen to someone in real life, I still had fun reading it.

I also enjoyed reading about the way Jack was before and after his accident. Even though he is still the same person, at times it felt like pre-amnesia Jack was a totally different person. I liked seeing Kate trying to discover who this new person is, even though she knew him.

The narrator was Erin Mallon and she did a great job narrating the book and differentiating between the characters. I liked how well paced the reading was, and I am definitely hoping to listen to more books narrated by her.

I've seen this mentioned in a few other reviews, and I fear I had the same feeling of confusion, regarding Anna's age. I wasn't sure if she was 3 months old, or 3 years old, or somewhere in between. That confusion pulled me out of the story a little bit, which is the reason for my giving it only 3.5 cups. That being said, I'll definitely read more books by Jen Frederick because I did enjoy her sense of humor and I'm very curious what she can do with a full-length novel.