Sunday, January 20, 2019

Sunday Post #4

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news. A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. 

Hey guys! The flu and I are no longer together, and that makes me very, very happy. So this week I was able to focus a little bit more on the blog and on being generally more active, both online with other blogs, and in my day-to-day life. I also started learning HTML and CSS on a whim mostly, and so far so good. I didn't read as much as I wanted to, BUT since this week I'm being a bit more organized and I have posts scheduled in advance - pats self on the back - I can focus more on reading.

Last Week On The Blog

Next Week On The Blog

Next week is pretty exciting if I do say so myself. Aside from the regular Down The TBR Hole and Top Ten Tuesday features, I have another discussion post ready, this time a little bit different, and Comic Book Tuesday is making a comeback. There's also going to be another audiobook review, some book reviews, so we're going to have fun around here.

Around The Blogosphere

  • Heidi from The Caffeinated Bibliophile shares some book photography tips that are very, very good and useful, especially if you have a bookstagram account and you're trying to figure out how to take more pretty pictures.
  • Rita from Bookish Rita is having a discussion post on getting rid of books that don't spark joy, inspired by the drama born on book Twitter surrounding Marie Kondo. When I read this post I had no clue about this drama, since I wasn't very much online during the previous days due to my flu, but time has passed and I've seen memes pop up EVERYWHERE. I have a ton of feelings, but basically I agree with Rita so, so much!
  • Beth from Reading Every Night is talking about the benefits of re-reading and we all know how much I love rereading.
  • It's Kal's birthday weekend and she's hosting a Poeathon for the occasion. I haven't read Poe before her readathon, and while the weekend isn't over yet, I can say I see myself reading all his works in the future. So far I'm reading his poems and they're hauntingly beautiful
  • Cait from Paper Fury is sharing her yearly YA genre predictions and I can honestly hope that some of these predictions come true.
  • Becky from Uptown Oracle has another great discussion post this week, this time inspired by the recurring ARC drama. She has some ideas on how this problem could be stopped and I agree with her suggestions.
  • Last but not least, my dear Sammy Sam from Fictionally Sam wrote a hilarious and very relatable open letter to the romance genre that everyone needs to read.

New Arrivals at Ruby's Books

What I Listened To

This week was a tad bit more full of musical discoveries. I've been the mood for more country music, which is a strange thing for me during this time of year. I usually get in the mood to listen to country music during the warmer seasons, but I tend to listen to what my brain demands to listen to, and I went on a Spotify hunt for the newest country singers and bands. I landed on Dan + Shay and let me tell you guys, I'm in love! I can't really pick one song over the other. So instead I went ahead and listened to all 3 of their albums on repeat for the last... 4 days? I think that's accurate. Before that I was on a Chris Stapleton binge for days on end. So basically I can just see how my 2019 Favorites playlist will look like 11 months from now.


That's it for me. How was your week? Did you get any good books this week? Did you read any good blog posts? Share in the comments!