Down The TBR Hole is hosted by Lia @ Lost In A Story
Hello dear book lovers and welcome to another post in the Down The TBR Hole feature hosted by the awesome Lia.
It feels like YEARS since I last did a Down The TBR Hole post, when in reality it's been only 2 months since my Confused Edition of this feature. I ended that post with 2936 left on my TBR and I was super proud for reaching that number. In the meantime though, the holidays happened, new books were announced, new authors were discovered by me, and I managed to add so many books, I now have to go back to 2972 books. This is a little setback, but stay with me guys, I'm not going to let this TBR bring me down. Let's start!

It feels like YEARS since I last did a Down The TBR Hole post, when in reality it's been only 2 months since my Confused Edition of this feature. I ended that post with 2936 left on my TBR and I was super proud for reaching that number. In the meantime though, the holidays happened, new books were announced, new authors were discovered by me, and I managed to add so many books, I now have to go back to 2972 books. This is a little setback, but stay with me guys, I'm not going to let this TBR bring me down. Let's start!

- Aunt Dimity's Death by Nancy Atherton - I added this book on my TBR ages ago, based on the premise. The idea of finding a secret in old letters is something that has always intrigued me, and it still does, and I really hope I get to read this book soon. Verdict: It Stays
- 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover by Linda Wisdom - I don't remember adding this book, but I can see why I did. There's witches, vampires, a serial killer, and, most importantly, a hero named Nikolai. I plan on making a discussion post about this, a confession type of post if you will, but basically Nikolai is one of my favorite names ever. So, as you've probably guessed already, I'm going to read this book soon. Hopefully this year. I also read an excerpt this morning while writing this post and my interest is piqued, so this book definitely will get bumped up on my TBR. Verdict: It Stays
- Frankly My Dear, I'm Dead by Livia J. Washburn - This is another book I honestly don't remember adding on my TBR. While I would be interested in reading about a literary travel agency, I don't really have much interest in the premise at the moment, and the reviews certainly don't make me want to pick up this book faster. Maybe in the future? For now I'm going to remove it from my TBR. Verdict: It goes
- The Promise of Love by Lori Foster, Erin McCarthy, Sylvia Day, Jamie Denton, Kate Douglas, Kathy Love - While I don't remember this book, I do know why I added it. It has some big names from the romance genre attached to it, so it's pretty easy to know why I wanted to read it. I may yet read it, but I'm not sure when. Right now, I'm going to add it to my Maybe shelf. Verdict: Moved to the Maybe shelf
- Archon by Sabrina Benulis - I seem to have gone through an angel/demon phase way back in 2012, when I added this book in my TBR, and while the concept is interesting, I fear today I wouldn't appreciate it as much as I would have at the time. The cover is insanely gorgeous, and who knows, maybe I'll give it a shot in the future. Verdict: It goes

- Mermaid by Carolyn Turgeon - I remember this book, because even though I haven't yet read it, every book that has even a tiny hint of The Little Mermaid retelling will catch my eye. I hope I'll get to this book soon. Verdict: It stays
- Motor City Fae by Cindy Spencer Pape - I have no excuse for not having read this book by now. None. Verdict: It stays
- Blood Magic by Tessa Gratton - I remember the cover of this book, but not the premise. Reading it now, I like the idea of forbidden magic and strange books of spells, so I do see myself reading this one pretty soon. Verdict: It stays
- A Paratrooper In A Pear Tree by Jianne Carlo - I know nothing about this book. I don't know how I heard about it, or how I decided to add it to my TBR. Unfortunately, I can't say I am that interested in it at this moment. The premise sounds intriguing enough, and I do imagine that it is an entertaining read, but I don't see myself diving into it soon. Verdict: It goes
- Married With Zombies by Jesse Petersen - I'm not sure what to say. On the one hand this might be a good, funny read, on the other...zombies. I'm not a huge fan of zombie books...I think the maybe pile will house this book for now. Verdict: Moved to the maybe pile
Out of the 10 books I went through today, I kept 5 on my TBR shelf, moved 2 on my maybe shelf, and discarded the other 3. That brings my total down to 2976 books. We're moving slowly, guys, but I promise we're getting there. I might do another fast purge of the books I know just looking at the covers I won't be reading anytime soon, and see from there where I'm at. We'll see.