Review Policy & Rating System

I consider myself a "mood reader", which basically means I read whatever genre I feel most attracted to at a certain moment, which is probably why my blog can't be defined by one single genre.

Genres I read:
  • Paranormal
  • Fantasy
  • Mysteries
  • Urban Fantasy
  • Contemporary Romance
  • Erotic Romance
  • Dystopian
  • Historical Romance
  • the occasional Historical non-fiction
Age groups:
  • Adult
  • YA

I will not accept requests of the following genres:
  • Poetry
  • Religious fiction/non-fiction 
  • Political fiction/non-fiction
  • Self-help
Formats: I don't have a specific format I like more, so both e-books and physical books are fine for me.

I definitely don't read books that include necrophilia, bestiality, rape, child abuse of any kind. 

I can't guarantee that a book I receive for review will get a positive review. I refrain from posting negative reviews. This is a personal choice. Obviously, I don't like every book I read, however this blog was started as a way for me to share books that I enjoy reading. So if I do review a book, it means that I was able to at least give it a minimum of 2.5 cups (stars). I usually DNF books that I don't enjoy reading, in which case if they were received for review purposes, I email the author/publisher in which I explain that I did not enjoy the book and, therefore, didn't finish reading it and cannot write an honest review. However, if I do finish reading the book and can give it at least 2/2.5 cups, I'll write an honest and respectful review.

Very important: Please, please, please don't attach an ecopy of your book in your email, unless I have already accepted to read and review your book. 

Rating System: 

5 cups: Rocked my world
4.5 cups: Almost Perfect
4 cups: I loved it
3.5 cups: Better Than I expected
3 cups: It was ok
2.5 cups: Had issues
2 cups: Meh...
1.5 cups: I barely finished
1 cup: I'm surprised I finished it

Thank you for checking out my review policy page.  
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