Thursday, January 9, 2020

Blog Tour Book Review: Siren Reborn by Lexi Blake

Author: Lexi Blake
Series: Texas Sirens #8
Audience: Over 18
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: DLZ Entertainment, LLC
Release Date:  January 7th 2020
My Rating: 4.5 Cups
Source: Social ButterflyPR
Blurb (from Goodreads):

Re-released in a second edition. Re-edited but no substantial changes.

Cole Roberts and Mason Scott loved each other since childhood, but they needed something more to make them whole. They searched for a woman who could complete them, but a terrible accident tore them apart. Their perfect life shattered, they were each left angry and alone.

Kitten Taylor’s past is filled with heartache. She yearns to be part of a family she can call her own. When Cole takes her in, she hopes to finally find the place she belongs, but quickly realizes something is wrong. There is a chasm between them and every day it seems to get worse. When they are alone together, she can sense the wonderful bond they could share, but they can’t seem to find a way to connect.

Everything changes when Kitten meets Mason for the first time. She instantly feels a connection and realizes how perfect their lives could be if Mason and Cole could look beyond the past.

When a killer puts the trio in their crosshairs, Cole and Mason will have to put aside the betrayal and hurt they allowed to consume them in order to forge a future with the woman they love.
*Disclaimer: I received an eARC of his book from Social Butterfly PR in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my rating or the content of my review in any way.

**Disclaimer: This book contains mature content. As a result, my review may contain references to content intended for mature audiences only.

Lexi Blake is back in the world of the Texas Sirens and it's just as good as expected. Strong female character, great heroes, sometimes worthy of a loving slap, lots of tears, love, and sarcasm. I mean, what could I else could I possibly wish for?

The journey into Blake's previous releases is one I shall always go on gladly. Especially since Siren Reborn is about Kitten. Kitten has been one of the female characters that have intrigued me the most. I didn't know her story, or I didn't accurately remember it, so most of the things that I found out about her in this book surprised me. I wanted to wrap her in a blanket and keep her away from everyone. Kitten has always scared me in the previous books. Whenever she appeared, I didn't fully grasp the trauma she went through. It wasn't until Siren Reborn that I fully understood her and guys, I cried. I mean, I know, this is a Lexi Blake book after all, and I cry at most of them, so it's not a huge shocker, but still. "First cry of the year" award goes to this book.

Kitten was a great heroine. Seeing how she grew into herself, how she found her strength, how she pushed back even though she was scared at times, it all truly amazed me. I especially liked seeing her inner brat come out more and more, because it showed she found that she could trust them enough to do that. I also loved how she brought Mason back into Cole's life, in a very sneaky way.

Mason was my favorite. I usually don't play favorites, but he was. There was something about him that just made me absolutely love him. Probably because as a reader I got to read some chapters from his point of view, unlike Cole, so I got to understand how his mind worked, and how he wasn't as "damaged" as Cole thought initially. I was very sad to see how his breakup with Cole made his life implode, so I understood his initial thought of revenge. I liked the dynamic he and Cole had.

Speaking of Cole, he wasn't a bad guy. He was just... a bit too concerned with having everything perfect, and Mason didn't fit into that. I wanted to shake Cole a few times, but I like that eventually he saw his mistakes and realized that he needed to trust Mason more than everyone else. He also got to finally go after a woman that was worthy. There's a few references to his and Mason's ex, and boy was that an evil woman.

The pacing of the book is really good. There's a bit of mystery and danger thrown in, and it took me a while to fully understand where everything was going. I wasn't taken by surprise that much by the ending, but it didn't ruin the story for me. I honestly enjoyed seeing the main characters struggle to figure out who was out to get them and why.

I truly loved reading this book, but now I'm a little bit sad. From what I know, this is the last book in the series, or at least the last that needed to be reissued. I shall sit here praying that Lexi Blake decided to keep going with this series, as it's one I will gladly continue reading. If not, I am ready to go back to the beginning and reread this series.


Kitten found herself smiling as she entered the living room. When Ms. Hamilton had told her the police were here to talk to Mason, she’d gotten scared. Police tended to mean someone was in serious trouble, and perhaps Mason was, but this was a friendly face. “Darin!”
Darin Craig was married to her friend Tara. He was also a Dom at The Club. A tall, well-built man, Darin gave her a grin before opening his arms to her. He was athletic, with dark hair and warm brown eyes. “How’s our Kitty Cat?”
After the pressure of the day, it was good to see someone she knew. She walked into his hug, wrapping her arms around his neck and accepting the needed affection. The thing she missed most about The Club were the hugs and touches and handholding with friends. “I am well, Master Darin.”
“Darin.” Cole’s voice sounded positively arctic as he walked into the room.
“Wow, I thought she was your sub, Cole. I didn’t know she belonged to Detective Craig.” Mason’s voice wasn’t exactly warm, either. “Have the rules of The Club changed, then? Is Julian allowing Doms to manhandle someone else’s sub?”
Darin slowly released her, an apologetic expression on his face. He took a step back, holding his hands up as though in surrender. “Sorry about that. Kitty Cat is just a friend.”
“Kitten or Katherine is preferred,” Cole said between gritted teeth.
“Her name is a term of affection. You don’t need to come up with your own.” Mason stood beside Cole, both men frowning Darin’s way.
She’d done something wrong again. “Master Darin is only a friend. He’s my friend’s husband. There’s nothing going on between us.”
Cole stopped glaring at Darin and seemed at a loss for what to say. “Sweetheart, I wasn’t trying to say something about you.”
Mason’s expression softened. “What the Master is trying to say is he knows how sweet you are. He became jealous when he saw you in another man’s arms. You’re gorgeous, honey. You have to expect that men will get possessive.”
He was a charmer. She knew exactly what he was doing and still couldn’t help the smile that crossed her face.
“Mason is right. I was jealous. You rarely hug me with such enthusiasm,” Cole said.
Master Cole wanted hugs? He seemed so distant that she held herself apart, but what if he simply wasn’t sure how to ask for what he needed? Doms were merely men. Kitten gave him her most brilliant smile and basically tackled him. If her Master needed affection, she would be the one to give it to him.
Cole’s big arms wound around her, and she felt him sigh as he lifted her up. He was so big. Her feet didn’t touch the floor, but she loved how secure she felt with him when he touched her. It was only when they were apart that she worried. Cole rubbed their cheeks together. “I am sorry I scared you before, love. I don’t ever want you to be afraid of me.”
“No, Sir. I won’t be afraid.” She was still smiling as he lowered her down. She turned to Mason. He was a man who needed hugs, too, but she worried that her Master wouldn’t like it.
Cole chuckled. “Go on, then. I’ll simply have to deal with the fact that you’re an affectionate thing. Hug away.”
She gave Mason a gentler hug, well aware he was still not feeling well. When she was done, she placed herself between them, enjoying how the two big men surrounded her. “Master Darin, were you attempting to begin an inappropriate affair with me? Because I have to warn you, I promised Tara I wouldn’t sleep with you when she wasn’t around.”
Tara and Darin were always joking about their crazy sex life. They loved it when their friends joined in. Not for the sex, but for the laughter.
Darin let loose a laugh. “I will remember that in the future, Kitty Ca, uhm, Kitten.” He sobered. “I didn’t come here to see you. I came to talk to Mason. You left the hospital before I got there. I was surprised to find out you were at Cole’s.”
Darin knew Mason. That was interesting. Darin and Tara had been playing at The Club for the entirety of their marriage. Ten years. They had likely been friendly with Cole when Mason had been his submissive.
Tara was getting a phone call later because she was utterly fascinated with the men and why they had broken up.
And maybe, just maybe, she could tell Kitten how she could get them back together.
She hadn’t missed how the two men had looked at each other. Yes, there had been suspicion and anger in their gazes, but there had been such a spark, and Master Cole was already softening up and it had everything to do with Mason. Mason had walked in the door and suddenly the house seemed warmer, more filled with emotion.

About Lexi Blake

 New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog in the world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance that she found success. She likes to find humor in the strangest places. Lexi believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome or foursome may seem.