Saturday, January 11, 2020

New Year Book Tag

Bookish Tag @ Ruby's Books

Hi everyone! It's been a hot minute since I last did a tad. But I checked my BuJo to see which ones I could do and boy, I was scared by how many I've hoarded collected so far. The New Year Book Tag is a tag that Izzy @ Nine Tale Vixen has created and let me tell you I am super stoked that she tagged me to do it as well. People, it's full of awesome stories.

If you're doing this tag, don't forget to link back to the creator of the tag, a.k.a. Izzy. So without further ado, let's do this.

New Year Book Tag

  • Auld Lang Syne: A Childhood Favorite that You Want to Reread
I remember reading Robin Hood by Alexandre Dumas when I was in 5th grade and it was the first time I ever read a book and actually loved the experience. The book I had had both volumes in one, so I remember being very intimidated by how big the book was. I think it was a little over 400 pages, which at the time seemed like such a huge book. Of course, me being me, I found out after I read it that I picked the wrong Robin Hood book to read, but I don't regret that experience. It pushed me on the path of absorbing all the Robin Hood stories my grandma had in her bookshelves, and she had a few. So if I had to pick, I'd definitely pick this one.

  • In With the New: The Most Recent Addition to Your TBR
The newest book on my TBR is The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor. I absolutely adore the Welcome To Night Vale podcast, it's actually what pushed me to try (and ultimately fall in love with) audiobooks. One of the most interesting characters to me is this elusive figure, the faceless old woman. I can't wait for this book to be out. It's scheduled to be released in March 2020, and I cannot wait for it! Until then, I'm a bit behind on the podcast, so I will try to catch up on all the episodes before reading this book.

  • Champagne: A Bubbly, Light Read

Would it surprise anyone if I picked Can you Keep A Secret by Sophie Kinsella? No? Okay then. I remember reading this book when I was a senior in high school and I absolutely adored it. It was my first chick lit book and it's been one of my favorite books ever since. And in case anyone's counting, that 17 years ago. SEVENTEEN! I...feel old.

  • Sparklers: A Literary Couple with Bright, Hot Chemistry
There are so many couples that fit this category, to be honest. None however reach the certain something that Elena Michaels and Clay Danvers from the Women of the Otherworld series by Kelley Armstrong. Actually most of Armstrong's couples from this series have a certain something. There's a sexual chemistry between Jaime and Jeremy that is off the charts, and the banter between Savannah and Adam is amazing. But Elena and Clay have an extra something. Funnily enough, it's a chemistry best seen in the short story that shows how they met and how their relationship started, leading up to Clay biting Elena. It's a tragic story about two very imperfect people coming together and creating something equally imperfect, but perfect for each other, if it makes any sense. I love them together.

  • Noisemaker: An Attention-Catching Cover Design
The cover that caught my eye the most so far in 2020 is All The Stars And Teeth by Adalyn Grace. I mean...look at how perfect this cover is! I saw this being described as Caraval meets Throne of Glass...with pirates. So... Can I um...have it now please? And I love the details of the cover so so much, and I can imagine that the cover is even prettier in real life. I would have this cover art as a poster on my wall actually.

  • Hangover: A Trope that You Can’t Seem to Avoid
*takes a deep breath* This is...this is a trope I BADLY want to see gone in all its forms. This is the "I'm being an abusive shit with you because I love you" trope. And it's mistaken as the character (usually male) being alpha, strong, sexy dominant, and confident. It's not the same thing. UNLESS (and I need to stress that word) I'm specifically looking to read dark romances or dark erotic stories where it's expected that that is the case. But in general romance that aren't intended to be very dark I don't want that.

  • First: A Book You Love But None of Your Friends Have Read (Yet)
I have yet to convince Sammy Sam to read Born, Darkly by Trisha Wolfe which is one of the best books I read in 2019 and it gave me major book hangover feelings. That being said, I did give this book 4.5 stars only because of a small, tiny tiny detail at the end that pulled me out of the story. It's a small thing, something that can easily be overlooked, so don't worry about it in case you want to try it out. This book is very dark though, so do know that. When I say dark...think the story between the Joker and Harley Quinn on crack. 

  • Resolutions: Your Bookish Goals for the New Year 
I'm going to do what Izzy did in her post, and to a summary of my reading challenges here. I do have a 2020 Reading Challenges post that you can read for more details.

  • Read 200 books (the Goodreads challenge)
  • Read 100 new authors (personal challenge)
  • Read 100+ Audiobooks (Audiobook Challenge)
  • Read 12 backlist books (Beat The Backlist Challenge)
  • Read 12 books published in the 1920s (personal challenge, Reading the 20s)
  • Read 13 unread books that I have on my shelves (#StartOnYourShelfathon)
  • Read 39 romance books (Romanceopoly challenge)
  • Read 25 overdue ARCs (Netgalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge)
A lot of the books I plan to read fit multiple challenges, so I doubt I'll go that crazy trying to hit every one. *famous last words*

I TAG: Sam | Cami | Michelle | Jamsu 

Don't forget to link back to Izzy and me. And if anyone else wants to do this tag, feel free to do it and let me know in the comments that you did so I can come visit and read your answers!